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Position Calculation in Quindos V6

I am in discussion with another engineer here trying to hash out the calculation for Position of a threaded hole within a bolt circle. The equation works out to be 2*sqrt(x(dev)^2 + y(dev)^2). I am looking for the explaination of how Quindos arrives at this. The 2x multiplier is where he is gettng hung
  • Explain it to him VERY SLOWLY. Position is (usually) a DIAMETRIC result.
    SQRT((x_dev)^2 + (y_dev)^2) gives a RADIAL distance from x,y nominal and x,y actual.

    MULTIPLY by 2 and you get a resultant DIAMETER. If he still doesn't understand, have him take off his engineer dunce cap and draw a circle on a piece of paper. Ask him what the distance across it would be. If he doesn't answer DIAMETER, just shoot him.

    good luck.
  • Explain it to him VERY SLOWLY. Position is (usually) a DIAMETRIC result.
    SQRT((x_dev)^2 + (y_dev)^2) gives a RADIAL distance from x,y nominal and x,y actual.

    MULTIPLY by 2 and you get a resultant DIAMETER. If he still doesn't understand, have him take off his engineer dunce cap and draw a circle on a piece of paper. Ask him what the distance across it would be. If he doesn't answer DIAMETER, just shoot him.

    good luck.
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