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Corrupt Formatting when transferring method from Q7 to Q6


I am currently working on project at my workplace. We have a program that generates an output file of measured trajectory with a certain required formatting. (The file is then fed to other analysis software, so the formatting is critical). We use Quindos 7 and everything works great.

We are trying to conduct the same operations at another location that is using QUINDOS v 6.00.3324

The problem is: everything is working great except in the output file for the program (.mes file) there are randomly appearing character on lines 21, 82, 143, etc...The formatting is just as we need, the measurement data is accurate. Only this randomly appearing funny characters prevent the output file from being fed to the analysis tools.

Using the same data, wdb, programs in Q7 provides the .mes file with no funny characters. So we believe this is some sort of compatibility issue between Q7 and Q6.

I apologize that I am not terribly well-versed in Quindos. I hope I was clear enough.

Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
  • sounds like a print format issue in q6.
    it may also be a font issue as q6 runs inside a unix emulator on xp.
  • sounds like a print format issue in q6.
    it may also be a font issue as q6 runs inside a unix emulator on xp.

    Thank you for your reply, pwhitsa.

    Do you have any suggestions to try to amend this problem? Maybe some tests to run to see if it is a font issue or print format issue?

    Thanks again.
  • Thank you for your reply, pwhitsa.

    Do you have any suggestions to try to amend this problem? Maybe some tests to run to see if it is a font issue or print format issue?

    Thanks again.

    More information would be helpful,.... as in which command(s) you are using to output/create the '.mes' file.

    Rather than a 'font' issue, I suspect more likely an issue of formatting characters (i.e. line feed, or carriage return, or page feed characters). If you are using the OPEN command, to open the file to output to, then you may want to look into the device characteristics keyword, 'DCH='. For example, the default of DCH=NYNYNC will set/assign/supress various characters for line feed, page break,.....