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Qualify long/thin probes on Global S

I'm setting up several project part programs here in Vietnam which was running on a ZEISS CMM with Q7 back home before.

I have big problems with long/thin probes, for example 3.5mm ball, 2mm shaft and around 100mm long.
Calibration itself is working, but when rechecking on the reference sphere it always give me an "Invalid reading of the measured point" error.
I tried lower the max. force and probing speed with only mixed results (very often still get that error).

I discovered that the weight balance may be off in Z -0.01 to -0.02 after 1-2 minutes after each probe change:

If I turn OFF/ON probing now manually it will reset weight balancing and the probes would work (until next change only).
The probe rack is also aligned 100% (~0.01 deviation between all of them).

Have anyone suggestions how to get this problem solved?

Here's my configuration:

Hexagon Global S 12.15.10
Controller Type „Common”
FirmwareId: FDC
FirmwareVersion: 14.01/14.02

ProbeHead MT5/HP-S-X5
Quindos V7.13.17317 R3

Standard probing parameter in Q7:

Anyone with PC-DMIS parameter may also help me, as they can be calculated to Q7 parameters as well...

  • ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Only when heavy stylus configurations are used:
    When heavy stylus configurations are used, such as those that include at least an extension equal or longer than 500 mm, the probe may show a drift along the Z axis after each weight balance operation. This drift impacts on the accuracy. The parameter driftCompTime in Edit / Parameters / Common indicates in seconds the period of time that starts after each weight balance and during which the weight balance is repeated before every measuring pre-hit operation. In case a drift issue is present, a value of 60 s is suggested.
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------
    Only when heavy stylus configurations are used:
    When heavy stylus configurations are used, such as those that include at least an extension equal or longer than 500 mm, the probe may show a drift along the Z axis after each weight balance operation. This drift impacts on the accuracy. The parameter driftCompTime in Edit / Parameters / Common indicates in seconds the period of time that starts after each weight balance and during which the weight balance is repeated before every measuring pre-hit operation. In case a drift issue is present, a value of 60 s is suggested.
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