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Count ELE objects

Can someone help me please. How can count how many ELE objects there are in my LDB, and then with a loop export the name of each ELE object to a txt file? thanks
  • Good question???
    I would be interested too.
    Is there anyone here who knows that ???
  • Hi,

    There are many ways you can do this, but to answer the question you describe you can do the following:

    Finding how many ELE objects exist in the LDB
    1. Define a QUE for all ELE objects using the wildcard LDBELE:*()
    2. Test the QUE for the number of entries using TESTMRB
     DFNQUE      (NAM=$ObjectsELE, MBR=LDBELE:*(), DEL=Y)
     TESTMBR     (REA=ObjectsNum, QUE=$ObjectsELE)

    Once you have the variable [[B]ObjectsNum[/B]] containing how many objects are in the LDBELE. You can then loop through and put the names to a text object.

    Putting the element names to a text object

    1. Delete the text object that receives the names so it is clean each run using DELTXT
    2. Initialise a new text object to receive the names using EDIT
    3. Start a Loop that runs from 0 to the number of elements-1 using the variable from the steps above
    4. Get the name of an object from the QUE using the loop index (Starting at the bottom of the QUE) ​ using CVNAMCHS
    5. Convert the string received by the step above to a line in a text object using CVSTRTXT
    DELTXT   (NAM=Output, CNF=N)
    EDIT     (NAM=Output, TYP=TXT, CRE=Y)
      DO       (NAM=X$$, BGN=0, END=ObjectsNum-1, DLT=1)
          CVNAMCHS    (CHS=~Get$Name, NAM=$ObjectsELE(-ObjectsNum+X$$))
          CVSTRTXT    (TXT=Output, LIN=999, STR=~Get$Name)

    The result of this will be a text object in the Quindos LDB that contains all the names of the objects in LDBELE.
    You can then export the text object.

    OPEN   (FIL=*YourFilePathHere*, DEV=D1, STA=NEW, ACC=A)
      OUTPUT (NAM=Output, DEV=D1, TYP=TXT)

    There are several ways you can do it, but this is method follows closely what you originally described.
    The result will look something like this...

    Attached Files