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View number of measured dimensions, dimensions in tollerance and out tolerance

Hello everybody.
Please anyone know how I can view immediately after the report header, the number of measured dimensions, those of the dimensions in tolerance and those of the dimensions out of tolerance? It's possible?
Thank very much.
  • Yep. There are 2 reports that are created concurrently, the complete report & an OOT report, listing all of the features out of tolerance. You can get the number of features OOT from the OOT report & the number of measured features from the complete report. How you format this information in your report is up to you.
  • Yep. There are 2 reports that are created concurrently, the complete report & an OOT report, listing all of the features out of tolerance. You can get the number of features OOT from the OOT report & the number of measured features from the complete report. How you format this information in your report is up to you.