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Automatic qualifying of probes in shopfloor

Dear Community,

I have following situation at work:

- Total 7 machines in shopfloor and QE each with around 10 probes and total around 70 to 80 probe directions to qualify. All machines have mostly same probe configurations.
- 7 machines some are from different manufacturers (Leitz,Dea, Brown&Sharp) so on some machine coordinate system X and Y Axis are rotated around Z Axis (in case that is relevant)
- Calibration sphere all directing the same way (all pointing +Z direction) on all machines
- Each machine currently has its own seperate qualifying program which does the qualifying automatically when started in the morning
- For positioning the programs use LDB-Elements which contain the manually programmed CLP and PRB Point on each machine seperately to use for QualifyTool.

This all works fine until the calibration sphere in a different place (for example when removed for cleaning or servicing and put back on slightly differently or have to be moved for other reasons).
Then all probes have to get new CLP and PRB points according to the new position . That might be because the points in the ELE Elements use a different coordinate system than the calibration sphere coordinate system when prgramming the CLP and PRB Points manually.

Which means when calibration sphere is moved for whatever reason we have to reprogramm the CLP and PRB points on all probes on that machine which can be quite time consuming especially on the sensors that rotate the probe "out of center" like the Leitz. I would like to streamline this process if possible.


Idea: Ist there a way to use the Calibration Sphere coordinate system instead when programming the ELE Objects of the probe so the points are absolute to the calibration sphere and not to a different one and maybe even use the ELE Elements programmed on one machine being used on another machine where the calibration sphere is located differently ? Also so when new probes are added or current ones have to be altered I do not have to programm them each on every single machine seperately ?

I hope my question is not too silly :-)

Greetings from Germany,