© 2025 Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries
Import and export data with minimal interference from major industrial CT systems using .bmp, .jpg, .jp2, .raw, .tif, DICOM, and DICONDE formats.
Rapidly incorporate other metrology projects created in VGSTUDIO MAX or VGMETROLOGY for total data coverage and project clarification.
VGSTUDIO is the ideal choice for visual quality inspection in industrial applications, e.g., in the electronics industry, but also for the visualization of data in fields of academic research such as archaeology, geology, and life sciences.
VGSTUDIO covers the entire workflow, from the precise reconstruction of three-dimensional volume data sets using the images taken by your CT scanner to visualization (in 3D and 2D) and the creation of impressive animations.
Enjoy better automation scenarios, with the toggle macro step now distinctively separated into two clear steps: “Enable ROI rendering” and “Disable ROI rendering.”
This dynamic feature utilizes the color bar settings configured directly in the analyses, offering an enriched context to interpret results in your reports.
You can now opt to color-code individual cells based on their tolerance status.
You can choose to hide the title of any info field in your report, allowing for seamless integration with any personalized text and more succinct report pages.
Bookmark images are now tagged with an “out-of-sync” status if analysis results change.
You can now rename objects using one of their metainformation fields. Ideal for use in macros, this function can transfer text read from an object via OCR to its name in automation scenarios.
You can now select, add or remove objects directly in the 3D window — WYSIWYG.
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