Virtual Test Drive

Virtual Test Drive

Simulating virtual worlds to train, test and release driving applications.


Extremely modular and scalable software, with native support for open standards like OpenDRIVE, OpenCRG, and OpenSCENARIO.

Enjoy accurate sensor models for camera, lidar and radar, all of which are customizable via SDK to accommodate specific requirements.

Benefit from simulation of complex traffic and weather scenarios, which can be artificially modeled or retrieved from real-world measurements.

Virtual Test Drive has been used to simulate driving applications for 20 years in the automotive industry worldwide

VTD is the world's most widely used open platform to create, configure, and animate virtual environments and scenarios for training, testing, and validation of ADAS and Autonomous Vehicles.

VTD provides a modular toolset for road network creation, scenario definition, vehicle dynamics, traffic and sound simulation. It also assists with simulation control, image generation, and sensor perception to create a simple digital reality for complex driving scenarios.

The benefits of using VTD include:

VTD seamlessly accelerates the deployment of ADAS and AD.

VTD enables you to easily build road networks using Road Designer and create complex scenarios with the Scenario Editor. You can also simulate and visualize when working with the Image Generator.

Features of VTD include:


Integrate on several platforms

Our Virtual Test Drive software can be integrated on any platform, including SiL, MiL, DiL, ViL, HiL.


First-rate images

With Virtual Test Drive, you can generate high-quality images quickly and efficiently, which are customizable via SDK.


Seamless data monitoring

Experience easy data monitoring and injection in real-time, using a graphical user interface (GUI) or command line.


Highly performant

Virtual Test Drive can run simulations from simple maneuvers to complex urban simulations with 200+ participants, providing excellent results.


3D worlds

This software comes equipped with various libraries of 3D models, country-specific road furniture, and ready-to-go virtual environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

A user can purchase predefined road network tiles, called RoadDesigner (ROD) tiles, to build a city, highway ramp, parking garage, etc.

Please take a look at the ROD catalogue. They are predefined by country, types of areas, and their subtypes.

Please reach out to us via and we’ll put you in touch with an appropriate sales representative.

Documentation Center

Check out our online documentation centre for product information and guidance

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