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Saturday (Halloween) Roll Call

All right, so who is working this Saturday?

My scary story (and rant) starts right when I came in (3rd shift) at 11p to a "...program that won't work..." Mind you it is a proven program, run for 3+ years, 6-10 times per day, 6 days a week!

Look at program, yup all screwed up, hole positions off 428mm!! I had planned on programming a new part tonight, so I went to grab the backup program and WT*! its the same screwup! Funny how before I opened the back up program the save details showed it was opened on 2nd shift today...Confused

So now I've got to figure this out... Finally after 5 hours of looking through the program (8,000 lines of codes) I figured out that someone "accidentally" changed the workplane in once section from X plus to Y plus, and before and after an alignment the same thing magically happened (X plus to Y minus). Funny thing is that they were just the opposite on the back up program (X+ to Y- and X+ to Y+) like someone realized what they did, and were trying to "fix" it on the back up program to test it.

I think today is the only day of the year I can put a hangman's noose over the computer and probably not get in trouble!

Have a great day getting candy with your kids (or stealing it from the kids in the neighborhood!)
Slight smile

  • Present and NOT accountable!!

    4/1/96- I guess I should count my fortunes, because yes I have had the same experiences. But there is always an apology\F* me "gift" in my office...ie: Breakfast sammich or on the rare occasion a full blown breakfast platter from Cracker Barrel!!! Its enough to bring a tear to a glass eye!!

    H.A.G.O. my friends!!!
  • Here to make some beeps, maybe, if the flood don't wash us away. 5 major accidents on the freeway on my way to work @ 5:30 AM on a Holiday Saturday! They ought to require these idjits to pass a test to get a license to operate a motor vehicle. . . *sigh*
  • Here to make some beeps, maybe, if the flood don't wash us away. 5 major accidents on the freeway on my way to work @ 5:30 AM on a Holiday Saturday! They ought to require these idjits to pass a test to get a license to operate a motor vehicle. . . *sigh*

    Sad thing is the more idiot proof you make something.....a better idiot will be created!!! Astonished
  • All right, so who is working this Saturday?

    My scary story (and rant) starts right when I came in (3rd shift) at 11p to a "...program that won't work..." Mind you it is a proven program, run for 3+ years, 6-10 times per day, 6 days a week!

    Look at program, yup all screwed up, hole positions off 428mm!! I had planned on programming a new part tonight, so I went to grab the backup program and WT*! its the same screwup! Funny how before I opened the back up program the save details showed it was opened on 2nd shift today...Confused

    So now I've got to figure this out... Finally after 5 hours of looking through the program (8,000 lines of codes) I figured out that someone "accidentally" changed the workplane in once section from X plus to Y plus, and before and after an alignment the same thing magically happened (X plus to Y minus). Funny thing is that they were just the opposite on the back up program (X+ to Y- and X+ to Y+) like someone realized what they did, and were trying to "fix" it on the back up program to test it.

    I think today is the only day of the year I can put a hangman's noose over the computer and probably not get in trouble!

    Have a great day getting candy with your kids (or stealing it from the kids in the neighborhood!)
    Slight smile


    Was here but here... lol

    Are the files on a server? You could ask IT to retrieve a older version of that file prior to modifications/
  • I know this all to well. I come into work all to regularly to.."oh hey, so and so (the operator), was running this program and tried to change or mess with something for some reason and now it's all messed up, can you get it fixed tonight so we can finish running these in the morning?" Fixing the operators screw ups has become my actual job now instead of programmer. Lucky for me though I'm not sure he knows yet how to open a backup copy, so no messing with that at least.

    The other half of the time when I come in, I get this...." hey uh....your program doesn't work..so and so (operator) tried running it and it keeps crashing."
    Me: "We've been running these parts for years, I know for a fact my program works"
    Supervisor: " well it's not working now....fix it"

    I go through the program, all looks fine, run the manual alignment and the part runs just fine. Look at the supervisor and say "worked just fine for me".......supervisor shakes head in silence and goes about his business. Operator isn't doing the manual alignment correct.