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Forum Changes-- Notes from Administration

Here are a few notes on the upgrade progress / activity for the forum so far. This release has some fairly significant differences from the version of vBulletin that we previously used, and we've been poking around to try and restore everything that we had customized in the many years we had on the prior version. The fact is we put off the upgrade as long as we could, but we simply couldn't reliably keep the old forum running anymore, so we had to upgrade or risk losing the whole thing. Here is some of the stuff we're working on. Please feel free to note anything else we might have missed. Please note, however, that certain aspects of the appearance/function are now locked down due to the cloud-hosted version that we're now on, and we can't modify everything as freely as we could in the last version. The upside, however, is that speed, availability and security should me much improved.

Known issues we're trying to track down:
Avatars appearing and not appearing depending on how you view the page.
Broken custom post icons (smilies should have been fixed)
Search needs re-indexing
Related posts disappeared (also need re-indexing)
"subscribe" button doesn't work
Mark channels read doesn't work
Giving "reputation" doesn't seem to work
Images posted in the prior version seem to be missing

Other notes on this version:
Tapatalk is not supported, but the template is now mobile-optimized.
Layout and position of items such as login button cannot be changed.
The login timeout has been set for 30 minutes. Advise if this seems reasonable.
No Support for older IE versions. Our limited testing shows IE9 and higher "might" work.

  • New topics button always gives error about undefined search critera.

    Changes to style settings (color) in user profile do not actually change the viewing experience.

    The Zuckerthumb like buttom seems to have replaced the old reputation button and simultaneously eliminated the little message it used to be possible to send along with rep. :scream;

    Private message preview & inbox are rather wonky.

    Deleting received and sent private messages after your box is full (@ 50) Does NOT clear out the box to allow the receipt of new messages UNTIL one goes INTO the Trash and Permanently Deletes the nastybuggers.

    Garramond font is gone gone gone. Rage
  • New topics button always gives error about undefined search critera.

    Noticed this right off as well. May have something to do with the reindexing that still needs to happen.

    Changes to style settings (color) in user profile do not actually change the viewing experience.

    I believe that those settings are only intended to modify your user account within your user profile, which is a pretty limited capability in general. These changes would have no effect on the site template itself. The only thing it seems to impact is the way your profile page appears-- so you can "decorate your own room" so to speak, but that's about it.

    The Zuckerthumb like buttom seems to have replaced the old reputation button and simultaneously eliminated the little message it used to be possible to send along with rep. :scream;

    There's something wrong with rep, as we noted, trying to track it down

    Private message preview & inbox are rather wonky.
    Looking at this-- it appears that any thread you post you automatically "subscribe" to, which also shows up in your inbox as a notification. Not sure how much this is truly "wonky" vs. just "different".
    Side note, subscribing to a specific thread that you didn't create seems to work, you just can't appear to do this at the "top" of a forum.

    Deleting received and sent private messages after your box is full (@ 50) Does NOT clear out the box to allow the receipt of new messages UNTIL one goes INTO the Trash and Permanently Deletes the nastybuggers.

    Noticed that too. Doesn't seem to be anything we can do about that.

    Garramond font is gone gone gone. Rage

    Doesn't seem to be included in this version.

  • Oh, one more thing, it appears that in this version what we're used to referring to as "forums" are referred to as "channels"
  • Saved PM have disappeared

    PM's did not migrate. Probably can't get them back either, likely were encrypted.
  • User settings do not save despite pressing the "Save Changes" button.
  • Update:
    Search is reindexing as we speak, and it seems to be working.

    "Related topics" is gone from this version. We will comment on the developer's page to request it back.

    The thumbnail version of avatars are supposed to be rebuilding now.

    We've put in tickets with a lot of the other questions.
  • There's no obvious way to see which posts I've read. Combined with the fact that the thread page(s) update immediately when I use 'back' in the browser it's very difficult to keep track of read/unread.
  • Further Updates:
    The update of the search index appears to be complete.

    The "Tag Cloud" is a replacement (of sorts) for the related topics. It's built of common search terms in the forum. It's been placed in a couple of additional spots to make it more useful.

    Images brought over from the prior version are now working again.

    (will also mention this in the thread on "rep")-- all prior "reputation" points and scoring "power" were brought over to the current version.

    Still having issues with the mini avatars despite the supposed rebuild. You might try re-uploading your avatar if you still have the image, and this seems to work better.

    Broken custom post images is a bug. They are supposed to have a fix in the next minor release.

    "Mark channels read" issue is known and in their bug tracking system. Seems to be inconsistent in general.

    Subscribing to forums/channels now seems to be working. (getting that set up caused a minor disruption in service, sorry to anyone who experienced that)

  • Still having issues with the mini avatars despite the supposed rebuild. You might try re-uploading your avatar if you still have the image, and this seems to work better.

    Confirmed. I uploaded my avatar again, and now it shows up more often (not sure if it always works, but at least better than before upload)