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Status and stuff.

Sorta curious how the scoring works on this board. I have a feeling that I'll be old and gray before I ever lose the "junior" name tag from my profile or fill up the video game power up bar

looking thing under my name.
  • The title under your name is related to post count. From the looks of things, yours will change sometime in the next 4 posts. As rmassarini is a "Member" with 107 posts, and you are "Junior Member" with 103 posts, then again, the "upgraded" forum software may have made things wonky.

    I was thinking that the "junior" name was under 100 posts, but then I noticed that some folks had over 140 and were still a junior. I think that the threshold was greatly increased with the forum change. I can't find any rhyme or reason to it.

  • It might be that the threshold changed, and some people hit "Member" before it. This is Hexagon after all, there doesn't need to be a rhyme or reason. Slight smile
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