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Status and stuff.

Sorta curious how the scoring works on this board. I have a feeling that I'll be old and gray before I ever lose the "junior" name tag from my profile or fill up the video game power up bar

looking thing under my name.

  • TTBOMK the post counter shows all posts, but off topic posts don't count towards increasing your "status". I believe that explains the apparent paradox. If you really want to know, then I suggest paging Mcruzer who maintains the forum.

    I am pretty sure Wes is correct, off-topic posts don't 'move the bar'. I've not paid much attention to the rep system, my responsibility for this forum is to keep it up and keep the comment spammers out.

    I haven't fiddled with my default view settings, and I don't even SEE the rep points on posts. Probably why I haven't paid much attention to it.

    I don't think we have an actual brokenness problem here? Just trying to sort out why the post counts don't actually accumulate rep?
  • I think it's just the Post Count "Title" that we're talking about.
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