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PcDmis Forum History

Those of you who know the history of this forum, please share! The purpose of this should be for any newcomers or people like me who just simply want to know how things originated. If this is posted somewhere already delete this post.
  • It's a Trap!

    So back in the ancient days before "Smartphones" even existed and hard disc iPods were the cooliocoolest some radom dude whose miserable fate was to coax the demon into making the beeps decided it would be a good idea to put this new-fangled innerwebz technology to use for the benefit of the pearl blind unwashed masses. So he dibbed a little $ to get a domain 'pc-dmis forum' and thus it began. And it was like the wayback machine except live. Then one day the Hexag00nies noticed and they summoned a [-]shyster[/-] lawyer thug to stop around and comment in general on what nice place it was and what a shame it would be if the courts decided all of this fine fellow's beer money should be forfeited to the great Goonocracy because nevermind that we weren't doing it and you're doing our customers a great service.

    That bird died and nothing like a phoenix the first goonrun forum came about. Then they decided to archive the whole thing and start over. It was pretty lively for awhile before the prude funhaters of the world decided the Old School pretensions of 'decency' ought to still apply because hey if they understood zeitgeist they wouldn't have lost the drop on their own name in the first place. So the jackboots stomped about in a whack-a-mole fashion until the oppression spurred another to action. His pad was righteous but his interest was that of a hobbyist. Another mostly decent person, (just don't call him a name that likens his noggin to summer time treat), with a vested interest offered to take over the task and so it was. . . and so it is always Keego's bday . . . where the Garramond font still roams free. . . meme the farce be with ye.

  • This guy has been making me crack up since the beginning of my career in com-pooders, CMM, and stuff.
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