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PcDmis Forum History

Those of you who know the history of this forum, please share! The purpose of this should be for any newcomers or people like me who just simply want to know how things originated. If this is posted somewhere already delete this post.
  • This I got from one of the old old guys that used to be here. In fact he said he was on the old PCDMIS.COM before this site even existed. He was so mad at the way that Hex was treating those of us that come here that he told them to delete his account.The mods said we don't do that but he could leave but they don't delete accounts. So he went back to the beginning of time on this site and began deleting every post he ever made on here. The helpful ones only the fun off topic stuff he ignored. It took the mods here about 15 minutes to ban him for life and delete his account. So in effect they took everything he gave to the users of theirs for free and kicked him off of the site for deleting his own posts. Every once in a while I still run into his old stuff. You can tell it's his because the user name is something like XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

  • ADMIN : Let the name of ******** be stricken from every book and tablet, stricken from all posts and threads, stricken from every instance of PCDMIS. Let the name of ******** be unheard and unspoken, erased from the memory of men for all time.
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