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I wanted to throw out a quick hello. I've found most of my answers by searching so far, so haven't had much occasion to interact.

I'm new to programming and to CMMs. I've machined a very little bit. I have had a total of about 20 hours of training (8 of it one-on-one, which was fantastic!) with a PC DMIS instructor and am teaching myself as I go along. This is an amazing opportunity from my employer, but also gets a bit lonely, stumbling through things until I understand them enough to move on to my next step.

So, I just wanted to say hi & thank you for all the great info here!

  • I do NOT take this opportunity for granted at all. & I do in-process inspection and first piece inspections on the floor, so it's not like I don't get interaction. Uninterrupted blocks of time are non-existent, though. I'm at a really great, small, family-owned shop with lots of cool people. Just no one else who knows about what I'm trying to learn. :-)

    I understand what you're saying as I too was brought up in small mom and pop shops, best place to learn IMO as budget to departmentalize everything isn't there which means you get to wear many hats and learn many things along the way. I'm at a big place now (non union, non corporate, non country club style, no BS) and I'm still struggling with finding other CMM people who REALLY knows what they're doing. Not to brag but I think the Yeti Master Yoda here is me!!! Oh boy are we screwed....
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