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International Jobs in Metrology

The Purge with character limits
  • What exactly do you mean?

    Kind of like a travel-nursing thing but for metrologists?
  • Do these exist? ... What would it take to find one?

    Google is your friend.
  • Bill has been around a bit, ask him?
  • I don't know much about international jobs, but I have me some International Delight, with my coffee every morning!!!

  • When you say "International Job" are you referring to "any job within the field of Metrology outside of your current country of residence"?
  • I think what threw people off was your first question: International jobs in Metrology, do these exist? It was hard to believe you were truly asking if other countries have jobs in metrology. I guess if that's what you were asking then the answer is yes.

    You're welcome. Slight smile
  • There's usually a lot of red tape involved in working outside the country (in other 1st world countries).
    For example I moved to Italy once. You will need a work permit or residency status. I was a shoe-in with my then wife at the time, but I'm sure getting a work-visa/permit would be something that the employer would have to own.

    Another issue with your search effort is language and search site. If you are looking for Metrology positions in English, on Google.com, you are getting USA google results, and looking for terms in a non-native language to most other countries.

    Try searching google.IT (for Italy) with verbiage like "Programmatore PC-DMIS coordinato della macchina di misura" which is "Coordinate measuring machine PC-DMIS programmer"
    for other countries & languages, rinse/repeat.

    Lastly, many employers in Europe don't need recruiting sites. Demand for employment is so high, it's more about who you know, and getting in at the right moment. The open positions might not ever end up getting indexed via google. you'd have to research employers who you would expect to have metrology needs, and hound their internal careers pages...
  • I recently took a new job with a company that provides contract quality services. They have people in various shops all over the world. In the past they have sent people to work in Thailand, Mexico, etc. You might try looking into something similar. They wanted to send me to Minnesota but the logistics wouldn't work at the time, plus MN winters don't sound like my cup of tea. I've got my eye out for something to open up in one of the warmer states in the south. Another added bonus; most companies don't see quality inspection as value added to their product, which is why they're reluctant to give raises or spend any money in the quality department. However, with this company, my inspection services are their product. They make money directly off of what I'm doing, which gives them incentive to make sure that I'm taken care of.
  • True hard to get any Love when your part of Quality