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No CAD & Hopeless

I've got a recurring issue around here; no CAD models!
Our QM handles communications between us and our customers; I'm just a lowly programmer, and am not allowed to get into contact with Engineering to get CAD models to inspect their parts. Apparently the boss doesn't want to; literally told me "yeah, that's not gonna happen. Can't you program without a CAD model?"

Working Offline on a laptop, because the desktop is currently in the hands of IT, dead.

What should I do

  • I take it you had a drawing to work from so what was the problem other than it may take a little longer to do.
  • If the part was a standard shape I would not need a CMM to check it.
    I'm not lost; I've already mentioned how entirely feasible it would be to create a program.
    My particular setup requires more than "point and click", it's a multi-sensor vision system for one.

    They are good at making the CAD models (I mean I've never received a bad one, but I had 5 or 7 or work from.)
    This is sort of why I have a hard time believing that "they refuse to send us CAD models."
    They have sent models.
    I don't care if they want to or not. I want to know that they can't.

    And yes, there will be lots of inaccuracies. Specific to vision mostly, again, but.
    E.g. should I use Black to White or White to Black scanning?
    Draw an Inner Circle, or an Ellipse? How can I compensate for potential burrs or rolled edges?
    What would I set my filters to? Degrees of measurement for a circle on a notch to get the best representation of it?
    I can't create a full-fledged, fully working program, one and done and ready to run, no bugs or errors, even with a CAD model.
    I haven't been doing this shlt for 20+ years.
  • If the part was a standard shape I would not need a CMM to check it.
    I'm not lost; I've already mentioned how entirely feasible it would be to create a program.
    My particular setup requires more than "point and click", it's a multi-sensor vision system for one.

    They are good at making the CAD models (I mean I've never received a bad one, but I had 5 or 7 or work from.)
    This is sort of why I have a hard time believing that "they refuse to send us CAD models."
    They have sent models.
    I don't care if they want to or not. I want to know that they can't.

    And yes, there will be lots of inaccuracies. Specific to vision mostly, again, but.
    E.g. should I use Black to White or White to Black scanning?
    Draw an Inner Circle, or an Ellipse? How can I compensate for potential burrs or rolled edges?
    What would I set my filters to? Degrees of measurement for a circle on a notch to get the best representation of it?
    I can't create a full-fledged, fully working program, one and done and ready to run, no bugs or errors, even with a CAD model.
    I haven't been doing this shlt for 20+ years.
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