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  • I'm a collapse-o user, I'd say close to 30% of the time I use it, I have to ctl-alt-delete kill our 2017 offline seat to keep working.

    -It doesn't like importing CT Metrotome scans that have materials of similar density to the foam we use to fixture the part samples in the scanner.
    -It often crashes on me at completely random points in the software (if you click too fast -crash-, if you click outside of a certain strategy window, -crash-) additionally, it only lets me import and run a CT scan routine about 3 or 4 times before producing errors that it can't import any other ct data. Close/reopen fixes. That software is super powerful, but has lots of hiccups.
  • yeah lots of "reset" buttons in the base alignment and CT data windows, which Zeiss folk repeatedly pounded into our heads to click on as often as possible during training... 2017 apparently didn't fix much.
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