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Selling Optiv Classic 321 TP

Good Afternoon,

We are selling our Optiv Classic 321 TP. It has not been used in about 6 or more months. We recently had it calibrated (August 2018) and renewed the hardware agreement.

Machine was purchased in 2015 and is currently running Pc-Dmis 2016 CAD. Its always been in a custom shop made enclosure. It's was not a really good measuring tool for our application. We mostly used the touch probe for measurements since the parts we mostly make are shiny and round so we couldn't really use vision too much. I only used the vision system when the CNC machines were down, it gave me opportunities to practice measuring the training slides with vision.

Systems comes with ring gage and cal sphere. We've never had a probe rack on the machine.
Dell PC with a 21.5" flat panel monitor.
Glass slide used for calibration and 2 metal slides for training.
Bottom, Top, and Segmented Ring light

Located in South Texas.

If anyone would like to see any pics or make an offer, please email me at acgarcia@diwmsi.com.

If anyone knows of anyone looking for an Optiv, please forward them my email.

  • We are looking for an optiv, however I think the UK is a little too far for shipping.

    Apart from it not suiting your needs how did you find it? I only have experience of the normal bridge CMM's.
  • The person who bought it thought that would take a picture of the part and immediately show dimensions. At the time, I've never heard of a vision measuring system. We bought our first brigde CMM and I was sent to training for it. When the Optiv was purchased, my boss was going to send another person to Optiv training and we were suppose to cross train since both machine ran pcdmis. I made a case saying that I should attend training as well since the hardware is very different from a CMM.

    At the end of training, and talking to my instructor on the application we want to use it on (we even took a few parts with us), I found out that the machine worked very different than was my company described to me and the parts that we planned on inspecting on the optiv were not well suited for the machine. So glad I went to training.

    The Optiv was in a cell so we checked the same part over and over. Luckily we had the touch probe was the part was 100% checked by the touch probe. Kind of a bummer. It ran like that for about a year and then we purchased a Renishaw Equator to take its place. Went from an 8 min run time to 2:30 mins on the part. So the optiv has kind of been in the corner.

    Every couple of months, my boss find some parts that we could potentially inspect using the optiv, but it take much longer than manual measuring methods so we kill the project. Finally he agreed to start looking for someone to buy it from us.