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I have a question regarding Table 4-3 in Y14.5.1-1994.

If anyone else is familiar with the standard and wants to discuss or knows how I can get in touch with somebody I would appreciate it.
  • Table 4-3 Case 2.7 - Datum A is axis, Datum B is axis. No free transforms, all quantities invariant. This DRF is valid if (A NOT= B) AND ((NOT(A // B))).

    This validity condition implies an intersection (by lack of parallelism) that arrests the last free transform seen when A // B.
    The definition of skew lines is such that they are not parallel.
    Assume A and B are skew. Then, they are not coincident and not parallel so by Case 2.7 the DRF formed by the two is valid.
    However, two skew lines should not arrest a remaining free transform as there would be no point in the coordinate system that is defined singularly at a point that would serve as the arresting point.

    How would we "handle" a DRF consisting of two skew datum axes? I believe the validity conditions of Case 2.8 should be extended.
    There are a few other cases in table 4-3 that would beg this same question.
  • No clue what you are referencing ??? Table 4.3 ? Im finding Fig. 4-3 CASE 2.7 ??? Section 2.7 is limits of size. You need to talk page #'s at this point....
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