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Smashing Modules

Fookin last friday, I did an alignment on a fixture and ran a master part multiple of times, but I didnt like one of the move points, so I inserted a new move point. Somehow the CMM went retarded and drove the probe right into the dam table. Bent the **** out of my 3mm probe and busted the module because it was in A0B0. Has anyone else have had this happen to them? Not even a year old global s green and running 2018R2. 2nd time in a month.
  • Execute it block for block with the speed way down. Put a stop before your T1A0B0 rotation until you're confident that you won't crash.

    Make sure you don't have an avoidance move...clearance cube...depth..messing you up. Quadruple check that your move points are the correct coordinate.

    Theres gotta be a a reason and we'll help you find it.

    I am NOT saying these things are your issues..but I follow a few rules that keep me out of trouble and I recommend you consider following these two in particular:

    1) If any of my alignments are recalling an external alignment, make sure the external alignment has all 6 degrees of freedom constrained (Level, rotate, XYZ Origin).

    2) Adhere to a strict naming convention. No spaces or special characters in naming fields EXCEPT underscores. (ex. I'd have called your alignment "OFFSET_3074")
  • Could air pressure cause something like this?
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