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Things are getting out of hand here at work! A CNC guy took vacation to Iceland and returned today and the company told him to go home and call in next Monday to see if he could com back to work! He wasn't sick he went out of the country and came back. Oh boy
  • There are a lot of people who have lost faith in our institutions. That is why covid has a PR department, where you have celebrities and former presidents coming out with commercials to get the "vaccine". They need to have control over us, so they elicit an emotional response from people they think we will buy into. More people are waking up to the BS they spew and not following. That is why the government and media is pushing harder and harder to mask up, get the vaccine, and spouting about another variant. They need to control us and in order to do that, they need to destroy us by pitting us against each other. The quote I posted below is pertaining to individuals, but it also works for the government. They are doing the same thing. Our representatives are not, I say, ARE NOT representing the people. We, the people, have the power. They realize it. However, I don't think we, as a collective nation, realize it. We have been dumbed down by the media and celebrities. When are we waking up? It's time to start locally and creating organizations to wake people up about the corruption in this system or we will continue to lose this beautiful nation.
  • There are a lot of people who have lost faith in our institutions. That is why covid has a PR department, where you have celebrities and former presidents coming out with commercials to get the "vaccine". They need to have control over us, so they elicit an emotional response from people they think we will buy into. More people are waking up to the BS they spew and not following. That is why the government and media is pushing harder and harder to mask up, get the vaccine, and spouting about another variant. They need to control us and in order to do that, they need to destroy us by pitting us against each other. The quote I posted below is pertaining to individuals, but it also works for the government. They are doing the same thing. Our representatives are not, I say, ARE NOT representing the people. We, the people, have the power. They realize it. However, I don't think we, as a collective nation, realize it. We have been dumbed down by the media and celebrities. When are we waking up? It's time to start locally and creating organizations to wake people up about the corruption in this system or we will continue to lose this beautiful nation.
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