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Things are getting out of hand here at work! A CNC guy took vacation to Iceland and returned today and the company told him to go home and call in next Monday to see if he could com back to work! He wasn't sick he went out of the country and came back. Oh boy

  • #64.2
    Today, 08:50 AM
    I don't see any logic in your statement.
    1. our state governor just (effective sometime last week) terminated all mask mandates and opened bars and restaurants, so there's no closure here in AZ.
    2. I'm pretty sure that taking both first and second shots (of either approved vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna) makes you 90% less likely to catch the virus.
    3. short term side effects like a headache are way better than death or potentially having lasting heart tissue damage, or lung damage equal to that of a heavy chain smoker of 30+ years....
    4. Without taking the vaccine, how else do you expect this crazy situation we are in, to be resolved? Drink Bleach? Hope the heat of summer makes it go away?

    1.This is the reason. I want to go to Arizona, it's open, He lives in California.

    2. "Pretty sure" is not a good enough reason to take a shot. Doctor gave my wife medication and said " I'm pretty sure this prescription, will take care of those migraines caused by this other medication we have you on" He was right no more headaches This caused her death, or at least this is what the death certificate says. 49 years old. Thanks Doc.

    3. No side effects versus short term side effects, This virus has been around over a year I'm still not dead. I'm pretty sure not positive, but I think I might of had it, don't know, didn't get tested, only because Patient/Doctor confidential is out the window. My health is my business not anyone else.

    4. I know that you are be sarcastic with the bleach thing, when someone disagrees they always resort back to "Your just as crazy as the bleach drinkers" Our bodies are built to take on viruses, diseases, amongst other things, but if you don't take care of your body, how do you expect it to take care of you. No, I'm not one of those people that is all natural crap. I do believe in modern medicine,

    5. Most important left out of your list. Why did the government go ahead and protect these companies Pfizer or Moderna from any types of lawsuits, for side effects. Good little Guinee pigs take your shot and cross your fingers.

    I'm not against modern medicine, if you want it, go take the shot, but if you jump off a bridge don't demand that I do the same. The Flu has been around longer than you I have been alive. I have never had it nor have I ever had the shot. Maybe my body can fight it, and maybe yours can't. My point on this is simple the Flu Virus is still here, we can't even cure it, and we have had alot more time to do so.

    6. If my time is up, and my body can't fight it, well it's been fun and I had a good run.

  • #64.2
    Today, 08:50 AM
    I don't see any logic in your statement.
    1. our state governor just (effective sometime last week) terminated all mask mandates and opened bars and restaurants, so there's no closure here in AZ.
    2. I'm pretty sure that taking both first and second shots (of either approved vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna) makes you 90% less likely to catch the virus.
    3. short term side effects like a headache are way better than death or potentially having lasting heart tissue damage, or lung damage equal to that of a heavy chain smoker of 30+ years....
    4. Without taking the vaccine, how else do you expect this crazy situation we are in, to be resolved? Drink Bleach? Hope the heat of summer makes it go away?

    1.This is the reason. I want to go to Arizona, it's open, He lives in California.

    2. "Pretty sure" is not a good enough reason to take some a shot. Doctor gave my wife medication and said " I'm pretty sure this prescription, will take care of those migraines caused by this other medication we have you on" He was right no more headaches This caused her death, or at least this is what the death certificate says. 49 years old. Thanks Doc.

    3. No side effects versus short term side effects, This virus has been around over a year I'm still not dead. I'm pretty sure not positive, but I think I might of had it, don't know, didn't get tested, only because Patient/Doctor confidential is out the window. My health is my business not anyone else.

    4. I know that you are be sarcastic with the bleach thing, when someone disagrees they always resort back to "Your just as crazy as the bleach drinkers" Our bodies are built to take on viruses, diseases, amongst other things, but if you don't take care of your body, how do you expect it to take care of you. No, I'm not one of those people that is all natural crap. I do believe in modern medicine,

    5. Most important left out of your list. Why did the government go ahead and protect these companies Pfizer or Moderna from any types of lawsuits, for side effects. Good little Guinee pigs take your shot and cross your fingers.

    I'm not against modern medicine, if you want it, go take the shot, but if you jump off a bridge don't demand that I do the same. The Flu has been around longer than you I have been alive. I have never had it nor have I ever had the shot. Maybe my body can fight it, and maybe yours can't. My point on this is simple the Flu Virus is still here, we can't even cure it, and we have had alot more time to do so.

    6. If my time is up, and my body can't fight it, well it's been fun and I had a good run.

    The PREP Act should be illegal.

  • 2. "Pretty sure" is not a good enough reason to take a shot. Doctor gave my wife medication and said " I'm pretty sure this prescription, will take care of those migraines caused by this other medication we have you on" He was right no more headaches This caused her death, or at least this is what the death certificate says. 49 years old. Thanks Doc.

    We share the same sentiment. I have not had and do not plan on getting the shot. If I get it, I get it and I will deal with it or I will get to see my wife again. Either way is fine by me.

  • I understand we are in all different levels of health. Some have genetic issues which cause disorders which make them more susceptible to viruses. Some have issues due to poor health choices. One is unavoidable while the other is completely avoidable. Why aren't our health officials promoting proper hygiene, exercise, going outside, and eating healthy rather than a vaccine and masks? "Stay inside! Don't go anywhere! Wear a mask!" That sounds like a REAL healthy lifestyle breathing in stale air and what my body breathes out. Our bodies are meant to take on bacteria. That is how we become immune or semi-immune to certain viruses. They can promote a vaccine and masks, but not healthy living? Hmm...sounds suspicious. It's because one makes them money and the other doesn't. If they can keep us sick, they can profit. That is why I am down 17 pounds since Feb 1. I am not getting any younger and need to increase my metabolism and immunity.
  • I understand we are in all different levels of health. Some have genetic issues which cause disorders which make them more susceptible to viruses. Some have issues due to poor health choices. One is unavoidable while the other is completely avoidable. Why aren't our health officials promoting proper hygiene, exercise, going outside, and eating healthy rather than a vaccine and masks? "Stay inside! Don't go anywhere! Wear a mask!" That sounds like a REAL healthy lifestyle breathing in stale air and what my body breathes out. Our bodies are meant to take on bacteria. That is how we become immune or semi-immune to certain viruses. They can promote a vaccine and masks, but not healthy living? Hmm...sounds suspicious. It's because one makes them money and the other doesn't. If they can keep us sick, they can profit. That is why I am down 17 pounds since Feb 1. I am not getting any younger and need to increase my metabolism and immunity.

    Congrats! Keep getting healthySunglassesSunglassesSunglasses
  • I'm with you on that. I go to the gym 5 out of 7 times a week. actually set a goal for myself, to be able to bench 315 lbs before I turn 50. that's 3-45's on each side plus the bar. I got till October, I'm at 275 right now.
  • I understand we are in all different levels of health. Some have genetic issues which cause disorders which make them more susceptible to viruses. Some have issues due to poor health choices. One is unavoidable while the other is completely avoidable. Why aren't our health officials promoting proper hygiene, exercise, going outside, and eating healthy rather than a vaccine and masks? "Stay inside! Don't go anywhere! Wear a mask!" That sounds like a REAL healthy lifestyle breathing in stale air and what my body breathes out. Our bodies are meant to take on bacteria. That is how we become immune or semi-immune to certain viruses. They can promote a vaccine and masks, but not healthy living? Hmm...sounds suspicious. It's because one makes them money and the other doesn't. If they can keep us sick, they can profit. That is why I am down 17 pounds since Feb 1. I am not getting any younger and need to increase my metabolism and immunity.

    Fantastic! Keep it up!

    My hours got changed so now I start an hour later. I am waking up a half hour earlier and hitting the gym for an hour every morning. I need to go down 30 lbs. Big goal is to race the Daytona 200 in 2023! I also need to get my expert license and get going much faster but 7lbs equals 1HP on a motorcycle and every little but helps. Luckily my housemate is big into fitness so he is helping me with my diet and exercise. He races also and he knows my goal so he is pushing me to get there.

  • Fantastic! Keep it up!

    My hours got changed so now I start an hour later. I am waking up a half hour earlier and hitting the gym for an hour every morning. I need to go down 30 lbs. Big goal is to race the Daytona 200 in 2023! I also need to get my expert license and get going much faster but 7lbs equals 1HP on a motorcycle and every little but helps. Luckily my housemate is big into fitness so he is helping me with my diet and exercise. He races also and he knows my goal so he is pushing me to get there.

    That's awesome! You got this.

  • That's awesome! You got this.

    My housemate is also my business partner. We sell race tires at the track and vendors ride for free so I will get a good amount of practice time. My mindset on the track has changed. No more "fun" rides on the track. If I'm not going fast, I'm getting off the track. I have to push like h e l l this year. 9 weekends selling tires and riding and 7 weekends (possibly 8) race weekends where I will have between 4 and 8 races per weekend. Track time just went from fun to very very serious really quick. That being said, even when I'm pushing I'm still having fun.

    If I do get to race the 200, I'll post it up here cause it is televised. I will need all the support I can get.

    Maybe Hexagon will want to sponsor me... Rolling eyesRolling eyesRolling eyes
  • That is awesome! Definitely post it here! I will tune in if you qualify!