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Well New York is in Shutdown and California, From a pretty reliable source that the State of Illinois is going on lockdown on Monday, possibly announce it on Sunday or even possible today. For those in Illinois get ready.
  • What I'm about to say is going to sound bad, but I WILL wash my hands for the sake of others, I WILL take caution for the sake of others, but I WILL NOT set in a corner and huddle waiting for death to take me. When I go to the store for food, I avoid people, wipe down everything I touch and wipe my hands, with wipes. Why are we number one in the world? New Yorkers, everyone is welcome there, You got a disease? well come on in, give me a big hug. Hey all you infected people from New York, We have the best beaches in the world, go down to Florida, now Florida is a problem. Hey we have this great event in Louisiana, We call it Fat Tuesday, Now New Orleans is a problem. How come California isn't such a problem? because they haven't made it out there yet. Stay Home!!!!!! Oh I'm gonna go play some basketball at the park with 30 other people?? They don't listen. You have a family your job is to take care of them, your job is to keep them out of harms way, one day we will all die, I do not wish this upon anyone, but you need to live a little before that day comes. Just avoid the people who don't give to s_h_i_t_s about himself or anyone around him or her. Everytime something comes in from UPS or Fed Ex, I have a big container of denatured Alcohol. Every box is soaked to kill germs, maybe it works maybe it doesn't, but I tried for the protection of me and others around me, taking a few extra steps doesn't hurt anyone, but no one is use to doing that. I'm assuming you aren't either. Maybe your wife meets you at the door and gives you a kiss, sorry honey my routine is going to change for My Family, I'm going straight to the shower, I'm going to rinse with Listerine before I kiss you. Buck up, there are other people who are in more danger than you, Doctors and Nurses. Ok I'm done.
  • I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I'm glad you enjoyed your time together! That time is really what mattered. I am more of a recluse now that I'm out of the Army. I took this programming job because I like working alone. I don't come into contact with many people anymore. Same when i go home. I go home and research about my job and play video games, play with my son, spend time with my wife. I don't do much anymore. I enjoy my job and my life. I just want everyone to be safe. That's all. Thanks for the conversation . Havent had a GOOD one with someone for a while. Thanks man!
  • I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I'm glad you enjoyed your time together! That time is really what mattered. I am more of a recluse now that I'm out of the Army. I took this programming job because I like working alone. I don't come into contact with many people anymore. Same when i go home. I go home and research about my job and play video games, play with my son, spend time with my wife. I don't do much anymore. I enjoy my job and my life. I just want everyone to be safe. That's all. Thanks for the conversation . Havent had a GOOD one with someone for a while. Thanks man!
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