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Well New York is in Shutdown and California, From a pretty reliable source that the State of Illinois is going on lockdown on Monday, possibly announce it on Sunday or even possible today. For those in Illinois get ready.
  • What I'm about to say is going to sound bad, but I WILL wash my hands for the sake of others, I WILL take caution for the sake of others, but I WILL NOT set in a corner and huddle waiting for death to take me. When I go to the store for food, I avoid people, wipe down everything I touch and wipe my hands, with wipes. Why are we number one in the world? New Yorkers, everyone is welcome there, You got a disease? well come on in, give me a big hug. Hey all you infected people from New York, We have the best beaches in the world, go down to Florida, now Florida is a problem. Hey we have this great event in Louisiana, We call it Fat Tuesday, Now New Orleans is a problem. How come California isn't such a problem? because they haven't made it out there yet. Stay Home!!!!!! Oh I'm gonna go play some basketball at the park with 30 other people?? They don't listen. You have a family your job is to take care of them, your job is to keep them out of harms way, one day we will all die, I do not wish this upon anyone, but you need to live a little before that day comes. Just avoid the people who don't give to s_h_i_t_s about himself or anyone around him or her. Everytime something comes in from UPS or Fed Ex, I have a big container of denatured Alcohol. Every box is soaked to kill germs, maybe it works maybe it doesn't, but I tried for the protection of me and others around me, taking a few extra steps doesn't hurt anyone, but no one is use to doing that. I'm assuming you aren't either. Maybe your wife meets you at the door and gives you a kiss, sorry honey my routine is going to change for My Family, I'm going straight to the shower, I'm going to rinse with Listerine before I kiss you. Buck up, there are other people who are in more danger than you, Doctors and Nurses. Ok I'm done.
  • My mother in law is a nurse. And I worry about her everyday. All I am saying, is that people need to take this stuff more seriously. I am super grateful that there are people that are willing to put there lives on the line for others. I was a soldier in the U.S. Army. I put my life on the line for millions of Americans, as do thousands of other Americans. Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Police Officers, ALL and I mean ALL deserve the same respect. I do shower before I hug on my wife and son. I brush, floss, and listerine before either one of them get kisses. I take life very seriously. I would never want someone to come down with COVID. All I'm saying is that i wish EVERYONE took the same precautions I do. And it seems like you do
  • First of all, I THANK YOU for your service, I truly mean that. My father told me something a long time ago, that kinda of stuck with me. There are only 2 types of People in the world, just 2, Ones that grow up and are responsible and ones that don't, and they come in a all sizes, shapes, and colors. Unfortunately, for every responsible person, there are 8 people who are not. That was true long before this virus broke out. I am not trying to make this a sad story, I lost my wife 2016, without warning. When you expect death is one thing. For it to happen without warning, is another. A habit for 12 years to call her on my lunch hour. To not talk at all. It sucks, it happens, but for 12 years not one minute of regret, because we lived and we enjoyed. Till Death Do You Part Wink Sometimes your habits have to change with what life deals you, I lived 6 months of my worst life after that day, but you either crawl into a corner or you get back up and start over, change your routine. and just to pass the word, to your mother in law, BE SAFE!! Don't let your mother in law be a bigger man than you Rolling eyes
  • I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I'm glad you enjoyed your time together! That time is really what mattered. I am more of a recluse now that I'm out of the Army. I took this programming job because I like working alone. I don't come into contact with many people anymore. Same when i go home. I go home and research about my job and play video games, play with my son, spend time with my wife. I don't do much anymore. I enjoy my job and my life. I just want everyone to be safe. That's all. Thanks for the conversation . Havent had a GOOD one with someone for a while. Thanks man!
  • Here, President Macron said that the shutdown is extended to may 11th...Disappointed
  • Here, President Macron said that the shutdown is extended to may 11th...Disappointed

    Yikes! Here in the states, I am not sure how much longer they can stay shut down. Over the weekend, I heard a lot of elected government officials making statements of starting to make plans to open the economy.
  • After this is all over, even if they have a cure. I still don't want you near me. Rolling eyes
  • When this is all over I can get back to concealing farts with coughs again, instead of the other way around.
  • 03-17-20 =>05-26-20..... End of shutdown for me today Slight smile !