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Happy Easter !

Ok, it's a little soon to say it, because today is Good Friday...
But, with shutdown, we are a little lost in the calendar, and I don't want to forget to wish you all a Happy Easter !
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  • Just a thought India is the second largest population of people in the world, behind China, 6761 Cases 206 deaths, We claim this is one of the dirtiest country and people of the world, walking through trash, barefooted, disease and virus at every corner, maybe their immune system and their bodies build up a defense to fight these things. While we in America don't take care of ourselves, "Can I have a bowl of chocolate with sugar on top?" That's healthy. I do take my vitamins, I exercise, I eat healthy, sometimes I don't. If we are constantly wiping our hands with bacterial wipes or whatever, are we wiping our bodies defenses? I have never had the flu,. unless as a baby or child, I never remembered having a fever. I have never had a flu shot. Can you fight it? If your body isn't to weak.
  • The real problem is : if we stay at home, we won't "see" the virus, so we won't be immunated... If we go out, maybe we'll see it, and maybe it won't be a good news for us...
    And maybe we saw it yet, and we don't know it, because there's not the right tests to see it...
  • I strongly feel like some 'saw' it before it was a big 'thing'. I got sick in November from a co-worker. I was out for a whole week! I've never, ever been that sick in my life. I took two meds to keep a low fever but never once did the fever go away. I had nasty upper respiratory issues. I went to urgent care to be told it wasn't a flu but a little 'cold'. By then these folks were taking measures to not get infected... like they knew something was up. It was my first time seeing something like that and being a dad of 5... I know my clinics/hospitals. My co-worker, who doesn't care much about others, continued to go to work sick as a dog and seemed like it took him 2mo to recover. I mean our voices were shot for a long time and we had this smokers like cough. My theory was it was due to the Amazon/Aussie fires but I doubt that now.
  • Look I'm not down playing it Jeffery, it's a bad virus, look at I'm with him, A few weeks back I had the worst problem breathing for 2 days, No fever, <<<never had one. I smoke, I have Asthma, That's my fault, that's my problem, so short of breath, I've experienced bad days, This one a couple weeks was my worse, but me taking my vitamins, getting out in the garden, putting my hands in the dirt, introducing it to bacteria's, I go in the woods and go hunting, pulling ticks and get bitten by mosquitoes. My point, take care of your body, It will take care of you. You're body needs to build up immune system. 98% of people are recovering. If you were fighting a war, would you send in your strongest general, or weakest? I'm not saying take a vitamin D and your good, but it's a good time to start. Go out and throw a football with your kids, play soccer, this weekend with your family. Enjoy Easter