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Complete report details

Друзья. У меня есть измерения для круга. Существует контроль округлости. Клиент хочет понять максимальный и минимальный диаметр зоны округлости. Я могу дополнить измерения подробными данными. Но они видны только в поле визуализации. Скажите, пожалуйста, как можно отобразить детальные данные в отчете?

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  • In english : Wink

    Friends. I have measurements for a circle. There is roundness control. The client wants to understand the maximum and minimum diameter of the roundness zone. I can supplement the measurements with detailed data. But they are visible only in the visualization field. Please tell me how you can display detailed data in a report?

  • Just add this at the start (it will display max min for all dimensions) or just before the roundness if you want only for this (then ciopy paste the line after, and delete maxmin)

    (Thx for the code in another thread Slight smile )
  • ConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfusedConfused​​​​​​​Все очень просто. Похоже, я искал очень трудный способ ответить на простой вопрос.
    Большое вам спасибо. Мое уважение к тебеSunglassesSunglasses​​​​​​​Sunglasses​​​​​​​
  • In english:

    Everything is very simple. It seems like I was looking for a very difficult way to answer a simple question. Thank you very much. My respect for you
  • Many thanks . Now I have one more problem. I am doing a diameter measurement by continuously scanning. After measuring the circumference at two levels, I need to build a cylinder. The question arises . How to correctly measure the cylinder? If I build a cylinder from two scans, I fly away from the roundness tolerance. I build a circle from the scan first, and then build a cylinder from two circles. That roundness tolerance is OK. And then I do not know how to apply the GAUSS coefficient. For cast iron and aluminum what it should be. Help, where can I get this information?
  • Many thanks . Now I have one more problem. I am doing a diameter measurement by continuously scanning. After measuring the circumference at two levels, I need to build a cylinder. The question arises . How to correctly measure the cylinder? If I build a cylinder from two scans, I fly away from the roundness tolerance. I build a circle from the scan first, and then build a cylinder from two circles. That roundness tolerance is OK. And then I do not know how to apply the GAUSS coefficient. For cast iron and aluminum what it should be. Help, where can I get this information?
  • Can you apply the GAUSS coefficient when you build the cylinder from the two scans? If so, i would say report both ways.
  • I would construct a circle from the scan, with outliers/on,3, and this on both circles.
    Then I would construct a feature set with those circles hits, and construct a cylinder from the feature set.

    I like so much the basic scan cylinder... You should try it !
  • JEFMAN , Thanks you . I will certainly try the base cylinder scan.