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Decline of America

Now official America is a Banana Republic what is happening in Washington is a betrayal of the people police stand by and do nothing.
  • Yeah it makes me sad to see what is happening in America on both sides. I pray for peace in our country and I pray that Biden (Even though I did not vote for him) is the greatest president we have ever seen. As I hope any sane republican or democrat would wish.

    I would never wish the pilot of a plane I am on to die or be harmed so why would I wish bad for our president. (Even if I don't agree with our president).
  • Yeah I have not been surprised by anything that republicans have done in this current election cycle just because of how democrats responded with the last election.

    I think that storming the capital is kind of crossing the line that I don't know if any of us are ready (or should ever be ready) to cross
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