I just want to thank all the people here who made this possible. It's been a long journey but I finally made it. I want to thank the forum for this participation award!!!!
This may have been mentioned already but Just wait until they update the site and take that 2500 posts away from you. Has happened a few times thru the years. everyone's post counts where reset to zero.
They changed from one forum software to a different one (not just version, different company/brand) if I remember correctly. Then there was a change using the current software that was like going from Pcdmis DOS to Pcdmis windows. Both changes mucked stuff up. The version change is what screwed the photo storage, making it take minutes to remove (delete) just 1 photo to free up some of that whopping storage they allow each user (all users, using all the allotted space each is allowed times 18 wouldn't even fill a small USB jump drive).
They changed from one forum software to a different one (not just version, different company/brand) if I remember correctly. Then there was a change using the current software that was like going from Pcdmis DOS to Pcdmis windows. Both changes mucked stuff up. The version change is what screwed the photo storage, making it take minutes to remove (delete) just 1 photo to free up some of that whopping storage they allow each user (all users, using all the allotted space each is allowed times 18 wouldn't even fill a small USB jump drive).