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My issue isn't dirty machine or vibration. I have an almost 40 year old machine that has the original drive system for the Z axis, a rod about 4 feet long that spins to drive the machine, 'offset' bearings (or twisted bearings) pressed against the rod is what makes the machine move up and down. Do you think that 40 year old rod is perfectly straight and round? Yeah, that could be counted as vibration, but it is part of the machine, not due to train track, presses, mills, etc. I also from time to time have to over-extend the probe length, with a large probe, so that adds to the issue. Don't have the issue on the Global, but that Validator.....
My issue isn't dirty machine or vibration. I have an almost 40 year old machine that has the original drive system for the Z axis, a rod about 4 feet long that spins to drive the machine, 'offset' bearings (or twisted bearings) pressed against the rod is what makes the machine move up and down. Do you think that 40 year old rod is perfectly straight and round? Yeah, that could be counted as vibration, but it is part of the machine, not due to train track, presses, mills, etc. I also from time to time have to over-extend the probe length, with a large probe, so that adds to the issue. Don't have the issue on the Global, but that Validator.....
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