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When do you generate your results?

Do you have a preference where in your program you create you measured results. I find if I wait till the end of the program it takes longer because I have to go back and identify my features.
So once I've named my datums I'll create the results while the ID's are still fresh in my head.
  • dims with features for 2 reasons.

    (1) If you put all the dims at the end of the program, it actually takes longer to run the program, if the dims are with the feature, they calculate/generate as the machine is moving to the next feature.

    (2) SOMETIMES, if you have to edit the program for whatever reason, and need to re-order the features, SOMETIMES the dimensions get blown away, but if the dim is with the feature, you move both at once, no problem.
  • Yes, actually. If all the dims are at the end of the program (and I've had program with 500 or so dimensions, it sits there, after it has made it's last move, for a 'long' time (computer 'long' not human 'long'). Machine sitting idle. With the dims with the features, the dims pop up on the screen while the machine is moving.
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