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For those in the US, how's this harsh winter treating you?

We had a total plant shutdown Monday due to road conditions.
Thankfully I haven't had any power outages or anything at my house. I know plenty of people who've been without power though.
  • In KY the problem we're having isn't necessarily the cold or snow, it's that its hovering right around freezing so it keeps raining and then freezing over the roads. It'll get up to about 35, rain, and then drop to 10 degrees. Monday morning my driveway was a solid sheet of ice. If it would either stay cold or stay warm we would be fine.

    The ordeal in Texas is pretty crazy though, I never expected them to see single digit temperatures. Apparently Texas didn't expect it either...
  • In KY the problem we're having isn't necessarily the cold or snow, it's that its hovering right around freezing so it keeps raining and then freezing over the roads. It'll get up to about 35, rain, and then drop to 10 degrees. Monday morning my driveway was a solid sheet of ice. If it would either stay cold or stay warm we would be fine.

    The ordeal in Texas is pretty crazy though, I never expected them to see single digit temperatures. Apparently Texas didn't expect it either...

    What they're going through is no joke. I have multiple family members down there. If things don't improve soon they're gonna have to make arrangements to come up here and stay with us

  • What they're going through is no joke. I have multiple family members down there. If things don't improve soon they're gonna have to make arrangements to come up here and stay with us

    From what I've heard even that might be a problem. There's barely any plow trucks down there so people are being told to stay home.
    If it gets any worse the national guard is going to have to start bringing in water like they did for katrina.

  • From what I've heard even that might be a problem. There's barely any plow trucks down there so people are being told to stay home.
    If it gets any worse the national guard is going to have to start bringing in water like they did for katrina.

    Yeah its rough =/ my girl's family are living in their campers and only have a couple of days worth of propane and food left. They're already making plans to violate stay at home orders and come here because I mean what else can you do? Freeze with no water? lol
  • We have family in Fort Worth. Our niece posted the other day " I'd rather be sunburnt and covered with misquito bites trying to figure out how to stomp a copperhead with a flipflop than to deal with winter"Slight smile In Colorado it's not to bad the other day it was -3 with 12" of snow. Normal, but you have to watch out for the people that are afraid to drive in the snow.

  • -12°?! That's messed up

    Coldest I've seen all year is about 10° with some wind

    -12° from xaxis in ZPLUS work plane gives this vector :

    But maybe I'm wrong, the first sentence of this thread is "For those in the US"...

    It's Friday, happy week-end, all Slight smile !
  • It's -9 C here right now. I don't think the lake shore area (Lake Michigan) has seen below 0 F yet this year. A few years back the polar vortex pushed us down in the -20 to -30 F range.