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Check Fixture Storage

The company I work for has well over 100 part check fixtures of various sizes and weight. We currently keep most on carts and use a rack for fixtures not often used. The owner of the company wants to have the fixtures in an organized setup, like a shelving setup, remove most of the carts. What do you use for storage of your check fixtures? Note, we do not have extra space, this is a premium. I was thinking of a rack system along a wall or two using a hilo to place and remove fixtures. A fantasy would be to have a universal platform the fixture(s) would rest on in the rack. Have hilo fork access tubes for some form of security while lifting and moving. Have the platforms rest on any special cart made, (like a wire basket sitting on another for stacking) to secure the platform to the cart, when done, hilo lifts platform and places it in home cubical on the rack. There is more to this, but the big question is the cost, figure minimal to nothing. I am curious how other shops contain many check fixtures with easy access.
Thanks in advance, maybe this might help others with the same concern.
  • Want to update this post. First, let me thank Cris_C, great idea. I know I am late responding, (over a year), but there is a reason. I emailed the post to the owner of the company, never heard anything, then one day, the vertical machine was being installed, wow! After setup, it sat, no one took control. I finally went and started loading the machine with my co-worker, it took a week and we had to learn along the way. The machine loaded, it now came to the fear factor, people did not want to learn, but over time, the fear went and most said the machine works great. We did have one time we needed a tech come out to get the machine going, so the statement noted is true, overall, it is working great and condensed most fixtures we have into the machine. I would recommend this if you have a lot of fixtures. Large based fixtures will not work in the machine, the trays are long and narrow, check this out first. We setup an electric hoist and installed I-bolts in the base corners for easy install and removal. Each tray holds up to 1400 lbs., (so it states), we did test this, I suggest keeping the weight under 1000 lbs. We did bend the end flanges due to the weight. Height of what you put in makes a big difference, less height, more trays. I heard from the techs installing the machine that the cost is $125,000, just use as a reference. Hope this helps someone else.

  • We have several Hanel "lean lifts" in our shop they are a miracle when square footage is a premium. Hope you finally found a workable solution 

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