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Crazy Job Market

What's the CMM job market like near you?

I live and work in the far northern outskirts of Chicago. There is a fair amount of industry around me, but there are typically only two or three CMM job openings at a time within my commuting area. Most of them are normally the same few jobs that nobody wants or they just don’t pay enough.

However, right now it seems like there are quite a few jobs available near me that I'd be happy to take if I didn't already have a good thing going. Also, where I work we have been down a CMM programmer for many months and recently lost two more who left for greener pastures. HR tells me that no one is even applying, let alone anyone with good qualifications! We are working to build talent from within, but it's going to take some time.

How about you?
Are you currently understaffed? Or should I say, more understaffed than usual?
Do you see a lot more job openings near you?
Am I the only one dumb enough to do this for a living? What am I missing here?
  • I was set to start my new job last week, but something told me it wasn't the right move right now. So after some negotiations I ended up staying at my current position with a few changes.

    1) Raise
    2) Work one day a week programing from home

    I worked my first day from home yesterday, it was fantastic! We have 4 dogs, so its always nice to be home!

    Sadie is a Great Dane
    Zumer is a Doberman
    Mowgli is a Mini Dachshund
    Pebbles is a Micro Bernedoodle

    Any other dog owners out there? What do you have?

    Mini Schnauzer named Cooper.
  • I train hunting dogs. Drahtaars mostly. I do force fetch / retrieving, pointing and such. I have bird pens at my place so I have plenty of dogs coming and going all the time to go along with 4 of my own. I bird hunt probably 50 days a year ?
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