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I'm bringing this up, Just because I'm wondering if anybody else has seen or heard anything like this.

I was at the Gym the other day, talking to a younger fellow, late 20's early 30's, So he told me he got the shot, and told him, that's great, I hope it works well for you, He then ask if I took it, I said no, not interested, nor am I sick. What he told me next really upset me, He said "Well I really didn't want the shot but my company made me take it, or I would not be allowed to come back to work" This is clearly crossing the line. I told him you should have just quit, right then and there. As many LAZY people who refuse to work, there are many job opportunities out there. Is this even legal?? Now don't get me wrong, I am a true believer in modern medicine, If I have a headache, I will take a Tylenol. I am not going to take a Tylenol to prevent a headache. If I had Cancer, Probably would go through chemotherapy treatment, not going to go through the treatment to prevent cancer. I see now that in North Carolina, they are going door to door. What?? that's safe a bunch of "volunteers" walking around with syringes, Really? I guess this would be ok if a crack head coming up and giving you a shot, He or She has their own personal syringe. Simply put our bodies were built from day one to fight off diseases, viruses, and other stuff, No one wants to die and with modern medicine helps cheat death, but when the fight is over, it's over, but that fight is yours and yours alone. I remember when I was 17 years old and I worked on a farm, when we vaccinated 200 piglets. What a day that was, but those piglets had no choice in the matter. So what was the end game? Why did we give them Vaccines? Well, the farmer needed them all to be healthy and make it till full size, So that in the end, he would make a good profit off of the good little piglets, but how many piglets, had to die prior to the Vaccine to be good for these piglets? There are wild pigs out there, that don't get the luxury of having these shots, but they live a long life. Difference is one gets to go wherever he wants, while the other is stuck in a fenced in area, for that politician, or I'm sorry, "farmer" to make money.

All in all, I want to end with this, If you want to get the shot, do it on your terms, if you don't want it, just tell the nosey people that ask you, that you got it, that way they don't bother you, technically it's none of their business, it used to be that was between you and your doctor, apparently everyone needs to know if that caged up little piggy has his or her shot.
  • My new employer has not asked and we have no guidelines for masks or distancing. I will not be getting the vaccine at all. If someone does not want to be around me because I'm not vaccinated, then I don't want to be around them either.

    I am vaccinated. My employer has never asked. There has been no talk of requiring it. We relaxed our covid screenings when Governor Witless relaxed the state mandates. But, there is no difference in treatment for employees or visitors who are, or are not, vaccinated. We don't ask.

    So your company practices "Don't ask, don't tell"??? Rolling eyes
  • My new employer has not asked and we have no guidelines for masks or distancing. I will not be getting the vaccine at all. If someone does not want to be around me because I'm not vaccinated, then I don't want to be around them either.

    I am vaccinated. My employer has never asked. There has been no talk of requiring it. We relaxed our covid screenings when Governor Witless relaxed the state mandates. But, there is no difference in treatment for employees or visitors who are, or are not, vaccinated. We don't ask.

    So your company practices "Don't ask, don't tell"??? Rolling eyes