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Here We Go Again!!

Well in this county I live in they are requiring that people wear mask, while inside buildings of course not here at work, but I do go to a local gym, and this evening I will walk in without a mask and refuse to wear one, will update tomorrow to let you know if I get escorted out or not. Heck I might even be in trouble for removing all signs and throwing them away. For I was at the Gym, Saturday morning and Sunday morning, being made aware of this rule. When I ask them what's the difference between not wearing a mask on those 2 days compared to wearing one beginning on Monday, they had no answer. Wish me luck.
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    The issue in most cases isn't with the vaccine. The issue comes with the government overstepping its bounds and mandating a biological choice for American citizens. Once this line is crossed where do we draw the next one? If ole Joe Biden can decide what goes in my body and makes it a requirement (without me being comfortable with it) what comes next? Can he decide that I don't need to protect myself and take away my guns? Can he decide that I'm unfit to be a parent and sterilize me? Can he decide that I am not educated enough to vote?

    That is the general concern with most people that I know. Also, its really strange that they are trying so damn hard to get us to take the jab. "Here is $100" or "Get the jab and get an Xbox" or like the state of Kentucky is doing "Get the jab and get a year of meat". Does that not seem strange to you? Where are the incentives to quit smoking? Where are the incentives to eat healthy? Heart disease kills 600,000+ people each year. Smoking kills 400,000+ people each year. What makes Covid such a priority?

    The government is elected by the people and is for the people. They are not there to tell me what I have to do to protect myself.

    The way I feel about this is the way most conservatives feel about everything. You want the jab... go ahead but don't FORCE me to do it. You're scared of Covid and want to wear a mask... go ahead but don't FORCE me to comply. You're a girl but wanna be a guy.... go ahead but don't FORCE me to call you something your not.

    You do you.... let me do me.

    Sorry for the rant. People just make me angry.
  • I see what you're saying. But I can take a seatbelt off. I can't un-vaccinate myself.
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