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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.
  • Ok guys, I've gotta be a bit logical here. because that's how I am. Logical.

    #1. The @georgiaparkerhilton image above is absolutely bonkers. If you actually understand how clinical trials work for FDA approval, the vaccines did complete three of four phases of clinical trials. The fourth phase is in fact to assess long term efficacy and reactions to the treatment, and yes it obviously does require baseline populations. However, think logically here guys. there's literally billions of people in over a hundred countries without a single effective vaccine doled out yet. Do you really believe that's the goal? hogwash. Anyone in the word can be a control subject, and we are talking about phase 4 clinical trials typically having sample sets in the tens -to- hundreds of thousands, not 46% of the population of the United States (that's over 150million people unvaccinated at this moment).

    #2: I can't disagree with the fact that there's a money trail. I also can't disagree that there's anterior motives to this whole COVID deal. What it absolutely is not, is political or separatist.
    --Ultimately, in my opinion, COVID is the elite's effort at population control. The politics, the medical companies, the talking heads in the media splitting the nation/world into classes it's all a natural response to the elite's effort to control population. They (the elites) believe population control is the only answer to preventing societal collapse, and ultimately the collapse of mankind. Less mouths to feed equals, lower carbon footprint, longer time this ball is going to sustain life.

    #3: Drug manufacturers obviously benefit financially from this, but they aren't producing a vaccine for a virus, just for 'ish and giggles'. Nor are they doing it with nefarious reasons. They are legitimately attempting to save lives. Which I mean, hard numbers reported globally, do not lie. The vaccines (generic term here, for any treatments being produced and distributed by any country or manufacturer WORLDWIDE) are saving lives. Any clinical and proven effective treatment should be considered to save your life and the lives of those whom you love. Now, if you go and start eating horse-doses of ivermectin, injecting or consuming bleach, or any other of these crackpot unproven methods... That's just another contribution to the elite's agenda, but simply by means of 'natural selection' (you're so dumb you kill/critically injure yourself).

    I'm sure my perspective is not in alignment with many agendas and societal norms. IDGAF. My perspective is my own, and a result of my own extensive observing, and fact checking. You don't like it? Cool, I respect you and your perspectives as well. But please don't be a parrot/sheeple by pushing separatist, political, or patently false information.

    #1. While I agree with you on the control group being crazy... I don't believe that you can compare people from the opposite side of the world from yourself and call them the control group. Even within the united states there are illnesses and ailments that effect people of different ethnicity and illness from geographical location as well. It would be a sloppy control group scientifically.

    #2. I agree. I hate saying I agree because I feel crazy saying it but I agree.

    #3. While I agree that they are trying to save lives with the vaccine I believe they are misrepresenting the necessity of a vaccine and undervaluing the actual need for prescription drugs prescribed by a doctor. If you go to front line doctors . org you can be prescribed proven effective drugs that diminish hospitalizations by 80%. If they were prescribed for everyone who is diagnosed with covid this would be an entirely different "pandimic"
  • Phase 4 clinicals is not about percentages. The study and control group populations statistically generated, and vary depending on the entire trial population, as well as what is available (and statistically justifying any variance). The focus of a Phase 4 trial group is to prevent bias in the study parameters. I mean if you're truly interested here you go as an example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK223329/ in short there can be study groups for clinical trials with just one individual as the entire study (as a result of the scarcity of cases, but it's a clear example of how studies and study sizes can vary depending on what's available).

    -Regarding medication to treat symptoms of COVID, According to the FDA website, there's 1,843 studies for treating symptoms and potential vaccines ( https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=%22Coronavirus+Infections%22). The studies unfortunately take time, lots of time. Until methods are approved by the FDA (the most rigorous of global medical trial standards) hospitals and medical practitioners cannot administer any FDA-unauthorized treatments. If they did, they would get sued for malpractice and lose their medical licenses. If you think other countries effectiveness trials and approved treatments are sufficient, I presume you (again, a hypothetical "you") could fly to that country and seek care there.

    -Regarding spreading the virus. I presume folks who decide to stay unvaccinated also have peers, family, dependents, social groups etc: supporting, bolstering, and propagandizing NOT getting vaccinated... So the chances of his/her family, friends, peers also being unvaccinated are also high. Hence their higher chances of getting hospitalized and dying if you (a hypothetical you) come home with it.
  • Phase 4 clinicals is not about percentages. The study and control group populations statistically generated, and vary depending on the entire trial population, as well as what is available (and statistically justifying any variance). The focus of a Phase 4 trial group is to prevent bias in the study parameters. I mean if you're truly interested here you go as an example: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK223329/ in short there can be study groups for clinical trials with just one individual as the entire study (as a result of the scarcity of cases, but it's a clear example of how studies and study sizes can vary depending on what's available).

    -Regarding medication to treat symptoms of COVID, According to the FDA website, there's 1,843 studies for treating symptoms and potential vaccines ( https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=%22Coronavirus+Infections%22). The studies unfortunately take time, lots of time. Until methods are approved by the FDA (the most rigorous of global medical trial standards) hospitals and medical practitioners cannot administer any FDA-unauthorized treatments. If they did, they would get sued for malpractice and lose their medical licenses. If you think other countries effectiveness trials and approved treatments are sufficient, I presume you (again, a hypothetical "you") could fly to that country and seek care there.

    -Regarding spreading the virus. I presume folks who decide to stay unvaccinated also have peers, family, dependents, social groups etc: supporting, bolstering, and propagandizing NOT getting vaccinated... So the chances of his/her family, friends, peers also being unvaccinated are also high. Hence their higher chances of getting hospitalized and dying if you (a hypothetical you) come home with it.
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