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Vaccine Conversation Today

Was in a production meeting waiting for it to start. People were talking about random things and of course "Covid" gets brought up. (please realize the irony that I am in a closed & unventilated room with these people..because they were willing to share their vaccine status they get to be maskless...because i refuse to share my status they assume i am not vaccinated and therefore force me to wear a mask).

Production Assistant: "Hey, did you all notice how its literally ONLY the engineers and programmers who don't want to get vaccinated? Why is that?"

Machinist: "They have critical thinking skills. Most of the people here (motioning to the room) do what they're told at work and in life".

Room went dead silent, a few people chuckled, am starting to get really turned off by people. =/ Was very uncomfortable sitting there as a "second class" employee with a mask on.

  • No body ever said there wasn't alot wrong in the past, That's where the lawmakers over the years have picked and chooses what would favor them to keep there jobs. Just because you read something on ways lawyers manipulate words doesn't mean it's correct. Alot of innocent men and women went to prison and alot of them got away with mu_rder. When I'm wrong I'll put my tail between my legs and say so. and maybe by that time you finally get your head out of your.... well you know where. you can see it better than me. I can only tell you from experience not from papers written from others.

    You would think that someone who works with facts and figures as a profession would provide an argument with facts and figures, yet here you are, a bunch of anecdotal statements about how you feel, what you think, or what you believe. Thankfully laws and such are determined by papers written by others and the interpretations of those writings and the case at hand by a judge and not what one person "can only tell you from experience". Now we have lowered the bar to cranial rectal insertion rhetoric. What's next, will I be a stupid doo doo head?

    Obviously, we have gone past the realm of factual debate and are now just arguing over your feelings. I'm going to go ahead and walk away from this. I'm fairly positive you will not because you will want to get the last word in. I hope that getting the last word in comforts you. If neither the facts or the law are on your side, pound the keyboard. Keep pounding that keyboard Kirbster269!!!!!

  • No body ever said there wasn't alot wrong in the past, That's where the lawmakers over the years have picked and chooses what would favor them to keep there jobs. Just because you read something on ways lawyers manipulate words doesn't mean it's correct. Alot of innocent men and women went to prison and alot of them got away with mu_rder. When I'm wrong I'll put my tail between my legs and say so. and maybe by that time you finally get your head out of your.... well you know where. you can see it better than me. I can only tell you from experience not from papers written from others.

    You would think that someone who works with facts and figures as a profession would provide an argument with facts and figures, yet here you are, a bunch of anecdotal statements about how you feel, what you think, or what you believe. Thankfully laws and such are determined by papers written by others and the interpretations of those writings and the case at hand by a judge and not what one person "can only tell you from experience". Now we have lowered the bar to cranial rectal insertion rhetoric. What's next, will I be a stupid doo doo head?

    Obviously, we have gone past the realm of factual debate and are now just arguing over your feelings. I'm going to go ahead and walk away from this. I'm fairly positive you will not because you will want to get the last word in. I hope that getting the last word in comforts you. If neither the facts or the law are on your side, pound the keyboard. Keep pounding that keyboard Kirbster269!!!!!
  • Check points are check points, They still can't check you unless they have probable cause, but that's not to say they don't go by the book. and some things are not recorded, so your right can't present the facts, because if I could, It would debunk everything that you say. I am very happy to have relatives in the political world to share this information with me. Maybe one day you'll see this stuff for yourself, I thought what was going on in the world today would open peoples eyes, but I guess, some peoples eyes are still closed. All I can share is clues not the whole story, There's a reason we are who we are, and they are what they are.
  • yet more anecdotal statements about beliefs and feelings. Not a law or fact cited in site. My god man, you must be pounding that keyboard like it owes you money. 1990, Supreme Court 6-3 ruling, a DUI checkpoint, that stops all drivers to check for intoxication without reasonable suspicion, is legal and does not violate the 4th amendment. You have had multiple chances to "debunk" what I have said yet you keep just wanting to throw out feeling and beliefs. You even have a few Straw Man arguments in there. Now you are waxing poetically talking about sharing clues and opening eyes. Obviously you are in over your head.

    Let's change the subject to something more your level. Besides a plane, what is the best feature to level to? Discuss.
  • I'll give you a privilege, last name Schaffer, not going to give a first name, had 5 DUI's in a 3 year span, all on record, probably should have had more, Never once lost his license, still to this day. now, that's a privilege. last post, for me. maybe you can get back to me when you experience real life that the public bats its eye. Not examples you read in a book. They always have to have examples, that's what we're here for. to make examples of. You're right though I need to get back up here on a higher level, being down here with you is killing my back.
  • And this is why I hate arguing with liberals, all feeling and anecdotes, not a single fact or law in site. Those "examples" you like to reference are actual facts, laws, rules, and such that are just as relied upon as the math equations in PCDMIS. I get it, you trust "The Science" and not actual facts. It is nice that you cited your anecdote, you are half way towards an actual factual rebuttal.

    Since you are moving on, I thought you would like to know that Best Buy is running a sale on keyboards. I figured you would need one after pounding your current one into dust.