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Your Tomorrow Depends On Your Choices Today

I was talking to my advanced aging dad the other day. He was marveling at the things I had taught his granddaughter mind. These are lessons I learned from reading and meeting people with advanced visions of life. People like Russia, SteveO, MJ, Kung Fu Steve, the Mariani's, Dave H, and so many others I fail to remember have helped me. I owe thanks to them all.

The most important., a self-empowering lesson I believe I taught my kid was that you have the ability to make choices in life. However, what you cannot choose is those choices you make now will absolutely impact your life later. Freedoms with responsibilities.

My dad tells me when he was a teen his father simply told him it was time to get a job. There was no counseling about future dreams and goals, no vision. I am not bashing him, my grandfather did the best that he knew how at the time. That was how his father spoke to him. Very simple, get a job, punch a clock, live a life, reproduce, perpetuate, exist.

My dad left when I was 12. I saw him occasionally during my teen years but there was not much wisdom imparted. He tells me now that he did not know anything about motivating and planning for the future. I agree that was part of my parent’s problems in marriage, neither one of them seemed to have a plan. They were not on the same page.

I, myself, did not understand this concept until I was in my 40's.

My kid is grown now but she is actively and independently pursuing her dream, her vision. She clearly understands that today’s decisions and actions impact her future. She understands her future is clearly her responsibility. She is not perfect but has learned to adjust and keep pushing. I am very proud of her.

If anyone bothers to read this, this is what I hope you take from this story:

Your decisions and actions today will have an effect on your tomorrow. You are where you are today because of the decisions you made yesterday. This is true for health, finances, education, geography. Even the little decisions have an effect. Even the cheats on your dreams have an effect. You will have to sacrifice, to be inconvenienced, to achieve those dreams and goals.

It is your life. It is your decision. Life does suck sometimes. Life is tough sometimes. Life plays rough sometimes. Life doesn’t always play fair. But you will never have the success you dream about without making the day-to-day effort to move in that direction. Your dreams will never happen without you.

It is tough to see a mid 80’s great grandfather just coming to these realizations. I can look back at so many missed opportunities, so much pain that was unnecessary. This is not bitterness or sadness coming from me. We all do the best we can do to live life.

This is reflecting on life and choices. This is passing on lessons and knowledge to others. So many newbies come here to MJ's Fastlane and start out with flash and fire and fade away. Newbies see the dream, the end goal, but they do not see the choices and sacrifices that need to be made. Life gets tough and they quit pursuing their vision.

Teach your kids well. Empower them. Show them that knowledge, planning, practice, and sacrifice are what it takes to get where they want. Let them play and make mistakes. Mistakes are valuable learning opportunities. Let them feel the results of the mistakes. They need to know the feeling of disappointment and the joy of success. Start early with your kids and they will have the tools to make their own success.

I wish you well on your journey. Your Tomorrow Depends On Your Choices Today

Your Tomorrow Depends On Your Choices Today
    1. I Love You

    2. I'm Proud of You

    3. I'm Sorry

    4. I Forgive You

    5. I'm Listening

    6. Communism has failed every time it was tried

    7. You've Got What It Takes

    8. Go mow the lawn

    9. Wash the dishes, you helped dirty them, you can help clean them. <<<<<<<<<<Then you respond with number 2

    10. Take the Trash out, That's your garbage 2<<<<< same as 9

    11. You're actually the mailman's baby <<<<<<<<<<<A little humor too, so your kid has one also.

    12. You're an OK kid <<<<<If you tell them, he or she is great, They'll walk around with a big head and turn out like or @Bfire85

    1. I Love You

    2. I'm Proud of You

    3. I'm Sorry

    4. I Forgive You

    5. I'm Listening

    6. Communism has failed every time it was tried

    7. You've Got What It Takes

    8. Go mow the lawn

    9. Wash the dishes, you helped dirty them, you can help clean them. <<<<<<<<<<Then you respond with number 2

    10. Take the Trash out, That's your garbage 2<<<<< same as 9

    11. You're actually the mailman's baby <<<<<<<<<<<A little humor too, so your kid has one also.

    12. You're an OK kid <<<<<If you tell them, he or she is great, They'll walk around with a big head and turn out like or @Bfire85

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