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US Inflation

Not to stir up the hornets nest... but this inflation is wild.
The Consumer Price Index has gone up so much it is insane. (CPI is basically the calculation for the spending power of a US dollar.)

I highly recommend going and calculating your income from the beginning of 2021 vs what it should be now due to inflation.
Here is an example of what that would look like. I used $35 per hour because I thought that was probably a good square number that is reasonable for a programmers salary.

Here is the link to the calculator from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Rant over sorry guys lol
  • The inflation in Colorado is nuts. Home prices went 2x over the pandemic. Wages didn't go up to match because everyone thinks the prices will drop. Looking at the price of Gas, food, and other things people need/want, the inflation numbers they give are all wrong. Price of milk went from 2$ a gal, to 2.5$ a gal. Things that were a dollar are now 1.25$. I'm no math wiz, but that looks like a 25% inflation rate, not an 8%. That may not be the case every where, but in the places where people moved to in mass, that what we're seeing.

    The thing that makes me sleep at night is knowing that the Supreme Overlord Biden knows that this inflation is "transitory". smh.
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