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US Inflation

Not to stir up the hornets nest... but this inflation is wild.
The Consumer Price Index has gone up so much it is insane. (CPI is basically the calculation for the spending power of a US dollar.)

I highly recommend going and calculating your income from the beginning of 2021 vs what it should be now due to inflation.
Here is an example of what that would look like. I used $35 per hour because I thought that was probably a good square number that is reasonable for a programmers salary.

Here is the link to the calculator from the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

Rant over sorry guys lol
  • Target and Wal Mart sales are up, but profit is down.

    In other words, the prices have risen so much due to inflation, that it is beyond what they feel they can pass on to the customer. Amazingly, they have chosen to eat some of the inflationary cost.

    Inflation is far far above the near 9% they are claiming.

    In my opinion, it's all relative and dependent on the cost of gas. If gas has more than doubled, how can we have 9% inflation?

    At least our 401ks are doing well . . .

    I don't know if I'm going to be able to afford a coal-powered Tesla at the rate things are going.

  • Inflation is far far above the near 9% they are claiming.

    The BLS calculator says 10.5% since Jan 2021 and I think even that is a little low.

    At least our 401ks are doing well . . .

    And our home values! (Hopefully everyone owns their home.)
  • JP Morgan says today that US will have over $6/gallon gas.

    Where's my stipend for driving in all through covid while the majority of workers are at home in their pajamas?

    At least the DFW traffic isn't stressful . . . commuting is a joy.
  • JP Morgan says today that US will have over $6/gallon gas.

    Where's my stipend for driving in all through covid while the majority of workers are at home in their pajamas?

    At least the DFW traffic isn't stressful . . . commuting is a joy.

    Yeah commuting is a joy lol

    "Dallas Is the Most Dangerous U.S. City for Driving"
  • If you invest on your own like I do, time to start looking at SQQQ. Between SQQQ and TQQQ, one is always doing good. TQQQ is an ETF that goes long on stocks (buys traditionally) and SQQQ shorts stocks. When the market is good, TQQQ is strong. When the market is weak like right now, SQQQ is strong.
  • I just saw a news report last night where gas station chains in some areas are having their pumps reprogrammed to display double digit prices. They are expecting gas to get to $10/gallon or more in some areas.

    I guess that, since they couldn't pass that Green New Deal, they are going to get there by taking everything away and forcing it on us by making it the only option.
  • The US has existed for ~250 years. If you tally up all of the money that has EVER been printed by the US Government, over 40% of that was printed during the pandemic.

    The economy never should have shut down. The people that shut us down violated our civil rights and then intentionally created massive inflation to cover for it/pacify us with $1200 checks as well as BILLIONS upon BILLIONS in loans. Your average Joe (who has been intentionally de-educated over the past 40 years) was happy to sit on their behind and collect free money (not having the ability to understand that his great-grand kids will be paying for it while they speak Chinese)
  • If you invest on your own like I do, time to start looking at SQQQ. Between SQQQ and TQQQ, one is always doing good. TQQQ is an ETF that goes long on stocks (buys traditionally) and SQQQ shorts stocks. When the market is good, TQQQ is strong. When the market is weak like right now, SQQQ is strong.

    I have been doing precious metals. I was buying pounds of silver when it was at $12/ounce a few years ago. Now it is around $22/ounce and up. Same with gold, it almost doubled in value.

    It's also nice because, if things become 'governmental collapse' bad and the dollar becomes worthless, gold and silver are international currencies. I will be ok unless they become worthless.
  • I went to buy some silver a few days ago. A 100 oz bar had a $450 'dealer premium' on it due to high demand. That's a lot to overcome on the investment.

    Kind of like new cars have $5k 'high demand' premium added to them.

  • Better watch out or the Ministry of Truth will shut down your digital currency bank account and disable your electric car.