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Optical Comparator issue

Looking for opinion(s): We just purchased a used optical comparator. For the most part its in really good condition. And we paid for that, so...
The glass where the mylar sits... the "projection screen" I think is it's official name. I know they don't have dimensions scribed on them, that's what your various mylars are for. But they do have an X ... or a +, however you look at it, they all do, and you use this to line up your mylar to the glass. OR, you could even use it to line up a part and inspect it using a DRO.
The one I have the x / + is non-existent anywhere near the inner part, only existing on the very outside edges. Like it's been cleaned with Ajax too many times. So without a mylar, even though we have a DRO, its not usable.
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