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Real men of genius

... or is it Internet Heroes of Genius... We salute you Mr. Coffee Stain in your trowsers crazy old man?
  • I can top that one. This was done by one of the inspectors I work with:

    A 2" diameter bar is going to be welded to the of these 2 tubes to create an "A" shaped support. We needed to verify there was enough stock to cut radii into them for the 2" bar to fit. This guy literally cut a 2" diameter piece of card stock, taped it to the end or the CMM probe, and positioned it to where the 2" bar would be located. This picture was one of 3 from his official report verifying the extra stock was present.

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  • KatmandudaMeow yes it is. How else do you expect to attach a card stock circle to you probe? The operator has 40+ years experience, he knew EXACTLY what he was doing.
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