Maybe this could be a new game. If I were a hoarder (or a bigger hoarder), I would buy this thing I found.
I came across this one on Ebay. An old Mitutoyo CMM. I sure don't need it, but I'd enjoy playing with it and maybe displaying it in a personal museum (if I had that sort of space, time, and money).
Have any of you folks worked with one of these?
That would be some serious hoarding! It's pretty cool that you could have one of those with at DRO.
Seeing that sure makes me thankful to live in the age of DCC CMMs.
FoMoCo used to require (even WITH full CMM reports) a part to be spray-blued and all 100mm body lines scribbed on it as well as every hole boxed at maximum size & position. Yeah, that sucked. Never used it for inspection (at least since I hired in) but setting up and scribbing part sucked SO BAD! Our was 3 tables 'wide' and 1 table 'deep'. That one is 2 & 2. I currently have one of the table sections in the lab for laser scanning setups.