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Before anyone begins making allegations, the Beer thread was not deleted on purpose.

While cleaning up old off-topic threads I inadvertently missed excluding that one. As a way to make up for it, I've reinstated the rep points.

Forum Admin

  • Have only tried the Bock on tap. Maybe I should try a bottle. I will try them, there are quite a few. Is the Blonde thier lite beer? Or is it aimed at women. I mean I would not want to buy one if its really made for Paul(a)Astonished

    The blonde is a "golden lager", if you like the pilsner style it is ok I guess. I don't care much for the style, but that says much more about my tastes than about the beer.
  • Thanks for the info. Have you had any other Shiner products besides the Bock? You should really try them, they are very good and usually a better price than comparable stuff because they are more local. Also look for St. Arnold's, that is a brewery here in Houston that only distributes locally. I love their Elissa IPA, all their brews are top notch.

    I probably mentioned this once in the late beer thread. I've had the Shiner Bock. I can't find it around here but somehow found it at a small town liquor store 5 hours north of here.Confused Anyway, next time I'm up that way, I'm planning on stopping and picking up some more of that and looking for other Shiner products.
  • I probably mentioned this once in the late beer thread. I've had the Shiner Bock. I can't find it around here but somehow found it at a small town liquor store 5 hours north of here.Confused Anyway, next time I'm up that way, I'm planning on stopping and picking up some more of that and looking for other Shiner products.

    I know you live in incognito, so if you are coming up this way and Wes lives in Houston and I in Dallas then you must be in Mexico?Sunglasses
  • I wonder if the moderate drinking is really beneficial or if it is an indicator of other things. Such as the social aspects of drinking. Perhaps the fact that teetotalers (in my experience) tend to be a little uptight about a lot of things.

    Interesting point. I know crackin' open a beer means I'm relaxing OR in a relaxed frame of mind even if I'm doing chores around the house etc. It does make a difference. I wish I could get ahold of these studies....would be interesting to read cover to cover.
  • When you keg your homebrews to be carbonated (not forced) d\o you still put a little C02 in it to clear out the air inside? I never can wait so I force mine. My kegs have been sitting empty for a few months now. I been bottling the beers as of late. But I want to get a lot ahead for spring.

    I prime my kegs and leave the headspace as is, I suppose I could purge it with my extra tap system and tank. I have thought about using my extra system for force carbonating but I have enough kegs (8) in que that it is usually not an issue.
  • I wonder if the moderate drinking is really beneficial or if it is an indicator of other things. Such as the social aspects of drinking. Perhaps the fact that teetotalers (in my experience) tend to be a little uptight about a lot of things.

    I hope I am considered an exception to that teetotaler thought.
  • I know you live in incognito, so if you are coming up this way and Wes lives in Houston and I in Dallas then you must be in Mexico?Sunglasses

    I'm near Minneapolis, MN. So, it was quite a shock to find Shiner all the way up in Babbit, MN (one stop sign town very close to Canada) when I've never seen it around here.

    I hope I am considered an exception to that teetotaler thought.

    Yes, you are included in the exception.
  • I hope I am considered an exception to that teetotaler thought.

    You are not just an exception, but an enigma.
  • Yes, you are included in the exception.

    You are not just an exception, but an enigma.

    Are we gonna see a bar fight ?
  • No, the enigma is a compliment. I try to keep everyone guessing.