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Sinks or Toilets

Are there more sinks or toilets in the world?

Similar idea with the wheels vs doors question.

  • Every bathroom has at least 1 sink and 1 toilet, but not every kitchen has a toilet. Some bathrooms have multiple sinks with only 1 toilet. Then consider 'lab' spaces, multiple sink setups and only 2 designated areas with toilets and sinks.
    I think urinals, porta pottys and out-houses count for toilets.
    Many businesses, mainly restaurants, tend to have more sinks than toilets in their buildings. (Bar areas, kitchens, prep areas)
  • But what about squatting just anywhere? Once you 'do it' there, does that not then become a toilet? Lots of places where drop & squat are how it is done, do all those 'squat' places count?

    Maybe the OP needs to be clarified, 1st world only (Sinks win, hands down) or 1st, 2nd, & 3rd world (as well as the squat & drop, yeah or nay)?
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