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Suggestions regarding new forum

Hello Nexus Team

I have a few suggestions/questions regarding the new forum.

  1. Can we have an option, to disable the Top Comment section? In my opinion it is confusing and impedes the reading flow.
    This could be a per user setting.

  2. Can we have an option for a "high contrast" theme? Its hard to tell where replies start end.
    I'm thinking a "box" around every post would help.

  3. When I'm in a sub forum like "PC-DMIS for CMMs" and I click on "PC-DMIS" I want to get back to the forum overview (https://nexus.hexagon.com/community/public/pc-dmis/f)
    At the moment I get removed from the forum  (https://nexus.hexagon.com/community/public/pc-dmis/)

Thanks for considering

Parents Reply
  • bfire, I don't want to assume, but are you using Chrome.  Some users access Nexus Community from a Chrome browser are reporting they are 'kicked' out regularly.

    Using a different browser or chrome incognito mode doesn't report the same problems, which leads me to believe that there is 'something' in chrome settings that is causing the issue.

    I have not got to the bottom of it, but continue to try to identify the issue.
