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Radius Not Enough % of a Circle

Most of our prints have radii that are impossible to measure accurate/repeatably because there is not enough % of a full circle:

I could use a polar radius, but isn't that essentially just Profile of a Surface to datums? And it would not be measuring per print.

Are there any other ideas that I'm missing? I've asked a few of the engineers to correct this on the print side of things, but I haven't been able to get through. At this point I'm just adding a report comment "THE FOLLOWING DIMENSION IS NOT ACCURATE."

Thanks for your input!

  • I was taught something called the T-value method, and I'm curious to see what others think. If you have the model (or can correctly program the points using calculations) you take individual points on the radius instead of a circle. You then report the T-value for each point and use a variable to calculate the average. You then take the nominal radius size and add or subtract the average T-value deviation depending on whether your value is positive or negative and if your radius is an inside radius or outside. Of course if you have both positive AND negative deviation this doesn't work, but I generally don't run into that. Thoughts?

  • What is T value anyway? Isn't it essentially the same as a polar radius? My interpretation if the help file is that T value is polar radius except it's reporting deviation from nominal instead of a radius value.

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