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Total number of dimensions

I am trying to capture the total number of dimensions in a part program. The problem I am having is with True Position Dimensions. This code will count "x,y,df and tp" instead of just "df and tp". So, this code will count 4 dimensions for each true position dimension instead of 2. Any suggestions?

'This *.bas is a simple, modified version of Craigs modified outtol.bas (whose original author nobody seems To know).
'Modified 9/23/09 DGG to include feature ID in the outtol comment.
'Works with anything up to 2 features, including reference features.
'TP callouts using more than 2 features will not show reference datums
'beyond the first one.

Sub CheckOOT()
Dim PCDApp, PCDPartPrograms, PCDPartProgram, PCDCommands, PCDCommand, PCDDimension

Set PCDApp = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
Set PCDPartPrograms = PCDApp.PartPrograms
Set PCDPartProgram = PCDApp.ActivePartProgram
Set PCDCommands = PCDPartProgram.Commands

Dim cnt As Integer
Dim state As Integer
Dim ID As String
Dim Bad As Integer'String
Dim Total As Integer'String

State = 1 ' Set state To 'Normal'


For cnt = 1 To PCDCommands.Count
Set PCDCommand = PCDCommands.Item(cnt)

If PCDCommand.IsDimension Then
Set PCDDimension = PCDCommand.DimensionCommand

Select Case State

Case 1 ' If it is a 'normal' dimension evaluation

ID = PCDDimension.ID

State = 2 ' If we reached a TP dimension, Set state To 'True Position' (2)
State = 3 ' If we reached a LOCation dimension, Set state To 'LOCation' (3)
End If

If (State = 1) Then ' If it is a 'normal' dimension And out of tol, Do stuff below
Total = Total + 1
If (Abs(PCDDimension.OutTol) > 0.00005) Then Bad = Bad + 1 'ID & Chr(10) ' Adds the ID To our message

End If

Case 2 ' If it is a TP dimension evaluation And out of tol, Do stuff below
Total = Total + 1
If (Abs(PCDDimension.OutTol) > 0.00005) Then Bad = Bad + 1'ID & Chr(10) ' Adds the ID To our message

Case 3 ' If it is a LOCation dimension evaluation And out of tol, Do stuff below
Total = Total + 1
If (Abs(PCDDimension.OutTol) > 0.00005) Then Bad = Bad + 1'ID & Chr(10) ' Adds the ID To our message

End Select

Set PCDDimension = Nothing ' Reset the PCDDimension Object

State = 1 ' Return state To 'Normal' As we have encountered the End of the TP dimension

State = 1 ' Return state To 'Normal' As we have encountered the End of the LOCation dimension

End If

Set PCDCommand = Nothing ' Reset the PCDCommand Object

Next cnt ' Move To the Next command

MsgBox Total & " Total Dimensions " & CrLf & Bad & " Features Out of Tolerance"' Display the ID's that are out of tolerance

End Sub[/SIZE][/SIZE]
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