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Script Help Needed - Export Xactmeasure dimensions

I have a program that reports several Xactmeasure line profiles. I have to put the max/min values of each profile into a spreadsheet. Right now I do that by hand. I'm looking for a way to automate the process using a script. I have a script that I use to extract nominal and measured values for points and am thinking I can modify it but I have no idea how to "find" the Xactmeasure profile dimensions in my program within the script. Any ideas?
  • This was sent to me as a solution. Will be making a few modifications and trying out.

    Sub Main'     Original CSV Ouput Script by Jay Hall of Hexagon Metrology
    '      Modified by Josh Carpenter, Mike Grones, Andy Mears,  And Jay Hall of Hexagon Metrology     August 2011
    '        Modifications: Captures all Xactmeasure data For multiple features, including sizes & summary reference axial deviations.
    '                                Also names CSV file With part Name, serial number, And date-time stamp
    ' Notes:
    '       Variable "SERNO" For Serial Number must be present In PC-DMIS part program
    '        Exports CSV data To C:\YOUR_FOLDER_HERE\CSV Data Output\, change below On Line 36
    '        PC-DMIS v2011 Release: when using Xactmeasure To dimension Position of multiple holes, make sure the required axis are of the Feature Set are checked.
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim Ccmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    Dim DimID As String
    Dim str As String
    Dim Int As Integer
    Dim IntTest As String
    Dim strType As String
    Dim SumTest As String
    Dim Int2 As Integer
    Dim Headertype As Integer
    HeaderType = 0
    Dim Serial As Object
    Set Serial = Part.GetVariableValue ("SERNO")
    'Open file **** Change File Path if needed *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    FileName = "C:\YOUR_FOLDER_HERE\" & Part.PartName & "_" & Serial.StringValue & "_"  & Month(Date) & Day(Date) & Year(Date) & "_"  & Hour(Time) & Minute(Time) & ".csv"
    Open FileName For Output As #1
    Print #1, "Part,Serial #,Date,Time"
    Print #1, Part.PartName & "," & Serial.StringValue & "," & Month(Date) & Day(Date) & Year(Date) & ","  & Hour(Time) & Minute(Time)
    'Sort Program*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    For Each Cmd In Cmds
    '...................................................... Process non-GD&T Dimensional Data ......................................................
    If Cmd.Type <> 184 Then '#1
    If Cmd.Type <> 1299 Then '#2
      If Cmd.IsDimension Then '#3
          Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
            Print #1, DcmdID.ID & ",,,,,,,,,"
        End If ' #4
        If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _ 
          Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
          Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION Then
          Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
    		'Every Dimension gets a header, just like PC-DMIS report
    		Print #1, "Feature,Axis,Nominal,Plus Tol,Minus Tol,Measured,Deviation,Out Tol"
          If DCmd.ID = "" Then '#5
            str = "," & Format(DCmd.AxisLetter ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Nominal ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Plus ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Minus,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Measured,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Deviation,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.OutTol,"0.0000")
            Print #1, str
            Print #1, DCmd.ID & ",,,,,,,,,"
            str = "," & "M" & "," & Format(DCmd.Nominal ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Plus,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Minus,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Measured,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Deviation,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.OutTol,"0.0000")
            Print #1, str
          End If '#5
        End If '#4
      End If '#3 Is dimension
    End If '#2 Not Cmd.Type 1299
    End If '#1Not Cmd.Type 184
    '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Process Xactmeasure GD&T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    If Cmd.Type = 184 Then
      str = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) 
      Print #1, str
    strType = Cmd.GetText (GDT_SYMBOL, 0)
    If strType = "POSITION" Then
    	Print #1, "Feature,Axis,Nominal,Plus Tol,Minus Tol,Measured,Deviation,Out Tol"
      Int = 1 'Line1 Size Dimensions of Xactmeasure
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int) & "," & "SIZE" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_NOMINAL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_PLUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_MINUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_MEAS, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_DEV, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_OUTTOL, Int)),"0.0000")	
            Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       Wend 'Line1
      Int = 1 'Line2 True Positions
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int) & "," & strType & "," & "0.000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & "0.000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MEAS, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_DEV, Int)),"0.000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, Int)),"0.0000")	
            Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       Wend' Line2
    Int = 1 'Summary Axis Deviations For Reference
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_MEAS, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_FEAT, Int) & "," & Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_AXIS, Int) & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_NOMINAL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & ",,," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_MEAS, Int)),"0.0000")& "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_DEV, Int)),"0.0000")
               Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_MEAS, Int)
            Wend 'Summary
    End If 'Position
    If strType <> "POSITION" Then
    'All Non-Position GD&T Get Min And Max instead of Meas And Dev
        Print #1, "Feature,Type,Nominal,Plus Tol,Minus Tol,Max,Min,Out Tol"
      Int = 1
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int) & "," & strType & "," & "0.0000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & "0.0000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MAX, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MIN, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, Int)),"0.0000")	
            Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
      End If ' is Not Position
    End If ' is Cmd.Type 184 Xactmeasure GD&T
    '~~~~~~~~~~ Process Report Comments ~~~~~~~~~~ 
          If Cmd.IsComment Then
              Set Ccmd = Cmd.CommentCommand
               If Ccmd.CommentType = 1 Then
                  str = Ccmd.Comment & ",,,,,,,,,"
                  Print #1, str
               End If
          End If 'Comments
    Next Cmd
    'Save And Cleanup*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    Close #1
    End Sub
  • This was sent to me as a solution. Will be making a few modifications and trying out.

    Sub Main'     Original CSV Ouput Script by Jay Hall of Hexagon Metrology
    '      Modified by Josh Carpenter, Mike Grones, Andy Mears,  And Jay Hall of Hexagon Metrology     August 2011
    '        Modifications: Captures all Xactmeasure data For multiple features, including sizes & summary reference axial deviations.
    '                                Also names CSV file With part Name, serial number, And date-time stamp
    ' Notes:
    '       Variable "SERNO" For Serial Number must be present In PC-DMIS part program
    '        Exports CSV data To C:\YOUR_FOLDER_HERE\CSV Data Output\, change below On Line 36
    '        PC-DMIS v2011 Release: when using Xactmeasure To dimension Position of multiple holes, make sure the required axis are of the Feature Set are checked.
    'pcdlrn declarations And Open ppg
    Dim App As Object
    Set App = CreateObject("PCDLRN.Application")
    Dim Part As Object
    Set Part = App.ActivePartProgram
    Dim Cmds As Object
    Set Cmds = Part.Commands
    Dim Cmd As Object
    Dim Ccmd As Object
    Dim DCmd As Object
    Dim DcmdID As Object
    Dim DimID As String
    Dim str As String
    Dim Int As Integer
    Dim IntTest As String
    Dim strType As String
    Dim SumTest As String
    Dim Int2 As Integer
    Dim Headertype As Integer
    HeaderType = 0
    Dim Serial As Object
    Set Serial = Part.GetVariableValue ("SERNO")
    'Open file **** Change File Path if needed *****************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    FileName = "C:\YOUR_FOLDER_HERE\" & Part.PartName & "_" & Serial.StringValue & "_"  & Month(Date) & Day(Date) & Year(Date) & "_"  & Hour(Time) & Minute(Time) & ".csv"
    Open FileName For Output As #1
    Print #1, "Part,Serial #,Date,Time"
    Print #1, Part.PartName & "," & Serial.StringValue & "," & Month(Date) & Day(Date) & Year(Date) & ","  & Hour(Time) & Minute(Time)
    'Sort Program*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    For Each Cmd In Cmds
    '...................................................... Process non-GD&T Dimensional Data ......................................................
    If Cmd.Type <> 184 Then '#1
    If Cmd.Type <> 1299 Then '#2
      If Cmd.IsDimension Then '#3
          Set DcmdID = Cmd.DimensionCommand
            Print #1, DcmdID.ID & ",,,,,,,,,"
        End If ' #4
        If Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_START_LOCATION And _ 
          Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_END_LOCATION And _
          Cmd.Type <> DIMENSION_TRUE_END_POSITION Then
          Set DCmd = Cmd.DimensionCommand
    		'Every Dimension gets a header, just like PC-DMIS report
    		Print #1, "Feature,Axis,Nominal,Plus Tol,Minus Tol,Measured,Deviation,Out Tol"
          If DCmd.ID = "" Then '#5
            str = "," & Format(DCmd.AxisLetter ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Nominal ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Plus ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Minus,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Measured,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Deviation,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.OutTol,"0.0000")
            Print #1, str
            Print #1, DCmd.ID & ",,,,,,,,,"
            str = "," & "M" & "," & Format(DCmd.Nominal ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Plus,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Minus,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Measured,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.Deviation,"0.0000") & "," & Format(DCmd.OutTol,"0.0000")
            Print #1, str
          End If '#5
        End If '#4
      End If '#3 Is dimension
    End If '#2 Not Cmd.Type 1299
    End If '#1Not Cmd.Type 184
    '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Process Xactmeasure GD&T _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    If Cmd.Type = 184 Then
      str = Cmd.GetText (ID, 0) 
      Print #1, str
    strType = Cmd.GetText (GDT_SYMBOL, 0)
    If strType = "POSITION" Then
    	Print #1, "Feature,Axis,Nominal,Plus Tol,Minus Tol,Measured,Deviation,Out Tol"
      Int = 1 'Line1 Size Dimensions of Xactmeasure
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int) & "," & "SIZE" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_NOMINAL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_PLUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_MINUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_MEAS, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_DEV, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE1_OUTTOL, Int)),"0.0000")	
            Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       Wend 'Line1
      Int = 1 'Line2 True Positions
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int) & "," & strType & "," & "0.000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & "0.000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MEAS, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_DEV, Int)),"0.000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, Int)),"0.0000")	
            Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       Wend' Line2
    Int = 1 'Summary Axis Deviations For Reference
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_MEAS, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_FEAT, Int) & "," & Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_AXIS, Int) & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_NOMINAL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & ",,," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_MEAS, Int)),"0.0000")& "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_DEV, Int)),"0.0000")
               Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (SUMMARY_MEAS, Int)
            Wend 'Summary
    End If 'Position
    If strType <> "POSITION" Then
    'All Non-Position GD&T Get Min And Max instead of Meas And Dev
        Print #1, "Feature,Type,Nominal,Plus Tol,Minus Tol,Max,Min,Out Tol"
      Int = 1
      IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
       While IntTest <> ""
    	str = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int) & "," & strType & "," & "0.0000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_PLUSTOL, Int)) ,"0.0000") & "," & "0.0000" & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MAX, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_MIN, Int)),"0.0000") & "," & Format(cdbl(Cmd.GetText (LINE2_OUTTOL, Int)),"0.0000")	
            Print #1, str
    	Int = Int + 1
    	IntTest = Cmd.GetText (REF_ID, Int)
      End If ' is Not Position
    End If ' is Cmd.Type 184 Xactmeasure GD&T
    '~~~~~~~~~~ Process Report Comments ~~~~~~~~~~ 
          If Cmd.IsComment Then
              Set Ccmd = Cmd.CommentCommand
               If Ccmd.CommentType = 1 Then
                  str = Ccmd.Comment & ",,,,,,,,,"
                  Print #1, str
               End If
          End If 'Comments
    Next Cmd
    'Save And Cleanup*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
    Close #1
    End Sub
No Data